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Older People’s Mental Health Services

Older People’s Mental Health Services within the Western Trust care for people aged over 65 years with mental health problems and all adults with dementia. For information specifically in relation to dementia and dementia services, please visit our Dementia Services page on this website (click here)

Older People’s Mental Health Service has 4 geographically focused and fully integrated Dementia and Older People’s Community Mental Health Teams – Strabane/Cityside; Limavady/Waterside; West Tyrone and Fermanagh. The teams are a secondary specialist service that provides assessment, treatment and support to people over 65 with a mental health illness and/or dementia, and those under 65 with an early onset dementia.

Psychiatric Liaison Service for Older People

The Psychiatric Liaison Service for Older People’s Mental Health comprises a Psychiatric Liaison Nurse and Dementia Specialist Nurse in each sector who is supported by the respective Consultant Psychiatrist. In the northern sector (Waterside/Limavady and Cityside/Strabane) the service reaches into Altnagelvin and Waterside Hospitals in Londonderry. In the Southern sector, (West Tyrone and Fermanagh) a service is provided in the Omagh Hospital and Primary Care Complex and South West Acute Hospital in Enniskillen.

The Psychiatric Liaison Service is responsible for screening  referrals from hospital staff, undertaking the assessments, treatment plan and review of patient whilst in hospital. The service also provides information and training to staff in the hospital.

Memory Assessment Service

The memory assessment service is a specialist service which aims to detect and assess dementia in adults of all ages, make treatment recommendations and provide information and support to patients and care givers. The Memory Service Team consists of memory nurses, team leader, psychiatrist, psychologist, geriatrician, occupational therapist and dementia navigator. The service is dedicated to improving early access and diagnosis for those with a probable dementia. For further information on memory problems and dementia, visit our Dementia Services page on this website.

Dementia Complex Behaviour Service

The Complex Behaviour Service provides assessment and interventions into residential/nursing homes and to the dementia inpatient assessment wards.

Older Adults Psychology and Psychological Therapies Service

There are a number of Clinical Psychologists and Cognitive Behaviour Therapists working within the Dementia and Older People’s Community Mental Health Teams.

Nurse led service (Northern Sector)

In the two northern sector Dementia and Older People’s Community Mental Health Teams nurse practitioners work alongside the Consultant Psychiatrists carrying out mental health assessments and reviews of patients within an outpatient clinic or domiciliary setting.


There are currently Consultant Psychiatrist outpatient clinics held in Strabane, Londonderry, Limavady, Omagh, Castlederg, Enniskillen, Irvinestown and Lisnaskea.  New patients and those patients requiring review and follow up are seen at these clinics.

Inpatient service

There are 4 in-patient units and 2 therapeutic hubs within Older People’s Mental Health Service in the Western Trust.

In the northern sector, the 2 inpatient wards are based in Waterside Hospital in Gransha Park, Londonderry. Ward 1 is the mental health admission/assessment unit which cares for older people who are functionally mentally ill. Ward 2 is the Dementia assessment/admission unit. The Lorem Centre, which is adjacent to the wards, provides a range of therapeutic interventions for inpatients and outpatients. It promotes early discharge through joint management of inpatients, promoting rehabilitation and recovery of individuals through a range of time limited, goal orientated and focused therapeutic interventions.

In the southern sector, the 2 inpatient wards are based in the Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital, Omagh. Oak B is the mental health admission/assessment unit which cares for older people who are functionally mentally ill. Ash Villa is the Dementia assessment/admission unit. The Acorn Centre, which is attached to Oak B ward, provides a range of therapeutic interventions for inpatients and outpatients. It promotes early discharge through joint management of inpatients, promoting rehabilitation and recovery of individuals through a range of time limited, goal orientated and focused therapeutic interventions.

Further resources on the services:

The Northern sector Dementia and Older People’s Community Mental Health Team’s patient information leaflet

The Southern sector Dementia and Older People’s Community Mental Health Team’s patient information leaflet

Psychiatric Liaison Service for Older People

Psychological Services

Nurse Led Service

Outpatients Reviews

Lorem Centre Information Leaflet

Acorn Centre Information Leaflet

Lorem Centre Video

Locations where this service is delivered


The Acorn Centre

Oak Villa, Tyrone & Fermanagh Hospital, Donaghanie Road, Omagh. BT79 0NS


Cityside/Strabane/Waterside/Limavady CMH Team

Oak Villa, Gransha Park, Clooney Road, Londonderry


West Tyrone CMH Team

Omagh Hospital & Primary Care Complex, 7 Donaghanie Road, Omagh, Co Tyrone. BT79 0NR


Referral Desk (Southern Sector)

Cedar Villa, Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital, Donaghanie Road, Omagh. BT79 0NS


Fermanagh CMH Team

Coleshill House, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh.


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