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About the Trust

Where we live and our population
  • Population size: 300,000Map of Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland
  • Area: 4,842Km2 /Rurality
  • Annual Budget – approximately £680 million
  • Approximately 12,000 staff
  • Life expectancy at birth (WHSCT): – male 78.3 years  / female 82 years
  • Healthy life expectancy (NI figures only): – male 59.1 years (most deprived areas 50.6 years) / female 60.9 years (most deprived areas 52.7 years)
Our changing population needs
  • Our older population is growing with a 27% increase predicted in those aged 65-84 years and a 39% increase in the 85+ age groups by 2028.
  • In contrast, the under 16 population is decreasing but there are increasing numbers of looked after children
  • 1 in 4 people live in poverty
  • 5 of the top 10 most deprived areas are in the Western Trust
  • 10 of the top 20 areas with poorest access to services are in Fermanagh and Omagh
  • 60.5% of hospital admissions in the Western Trust are in the level 1 and 2 deprivation categories, ie. most deprived, the highest proportion in Northern Ireland


Our facilities

We deliver services to our population from:

  • 7 hospitals
  • 11 health centres and clinics
  • 8 children’s homes
  • 30 day centres
  • 8 residential homes and 1 hostel
  • 6 training centres
  • 12 administration hubs
  • as well as directly into thousands of people’s homes


Our Services

Each year we handle approximately:

  • 100,000 inpatient and day case admissions
  • 20,000 operations
  • 220,000 outpatient appointments
  • 120,000 emergency department attendances
  • 300,000 imaging tests
  • 20,000 renal dialyses
  • 4,000 births

Each year we provide support to people in our communities through approximately:

  • 1,800 residential and nursing home placements
  • Domiciliary care services to 4,500 people in their home
  • £4.5 million annual spend on community equipment
  • 245,000 community allied health professional contacts (eg. physiotherapy, occupational therapy)
  • 17,000 social work contacts
  • 390,000 community nursing and health visitor contacts
  • 7,000 mental health assessment referrals

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