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Abortion Service (Cedar Clinic)

Abortion is legal in Northern Ireland and a confidential, free service is available in all trusts. We currently offer early medical abortion and surgical abortion under local anaesthetic up to 11 weeks and six days of pregnancy through the Cedar Clinic based in Altnagelvin Hospital.

If you are more than 12 weeks pregnant we can offer initial telephone consultation and assessment to discuss all available options and refer you to the correct pathway

We accept referrals through the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS). Please complete the online BPAS self-referral form if you are sure of your decision and have had a positive pregnancy test.

Click here to contact BPAS or alternatively, call 03457 30 40 30

If you are undecided and would like counselling/support please contact:

Informing Choices NI – 028 9031 6100

Common Youth – 02890328866 (under 25s only)

BPAS – British Pregnancy Advisory Service

When the Cedar Clinic receives a referral, you will be contacted via a telephone call (from an unknown number) within five working days by a member of the team. Our team of nurses and doctors will discuss your options, assess your suitability for treatment and arrange a face to face appointment date.

Please note pregnancies are dated from the first day of your last period or by ultrasound scan. Pregnancy tests stating 1-3 weeks pregnant are misleading and only an estimate from time of conception (3 weeks is the maximum reading obtained regardless of how many weeks pregnant you are).

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