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Specialist Palliative Care

Specialist Palliative Care aims to manage pain and other symptoms through a holistic approach to the Physical, Psychological, Social and Spiritual aspects of an individual’s overall care. You may benefit from Specialist Palliative Care support at any stage in your illness to help improve your symptoms and quality of life.

The Hospital Specialist Palliative Care Team (SPCT) is Consultant led and consists of Palliative Care Clinical Nurses Specialists and Doctors in Palliative Medicine. It is supported by a team of Specialist Palliative Care AHPs and Social Worker across the Western Trust.

Hospital Specialist Palliative Care Teams

The Hospital Specialist Palliative Care Teams provide an advisory service across all wards in Altnagelvin, South West Acute Hosptial, Omagh Hospital Complex and also provide support to the Waterside Hospital. This service is provided from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). The team provides advice and support on all aspects of symptom management for any patient with a Palliative condition, at any time in their illness. The team also provides advice and support for patients approaching end of life in hospital. Your hospital consultant can refer you to the Hospital Specialist Palliative Care Team at any time in your illness with your consent.

Palliative Medicine Outpatient Clinics

There are three Consultant led Palliative Medicine Outpatient Clinics in Altnagelvin Hospital each week (Monday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon, Thursday morning).

Specialist Palliative Care Allied Health Professional (AHP) and Social Work Team

Our team of AHPs (Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Dietitian, Speech and Language Therapist) and Social Worker provide support to Palliative patients and their families across the Western Trust. Referrals can be made by any healthcare professional looking after you.

Specialist Palliative Care Education

The SPCT has a strong emphasis on providing education within the Trust and beyond to support all healthcare professionals in their provision of generalist Palliative Care for all patients.

The Hospital Specialist Palliative Care Teams can be contacted from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays) on the numbers below.

Further resources:

Macmillan Cancer Support

Foyle Hospice

Northern Ireland Hospice Community Services

Locations where this service is delivered


Specialist Palliative Care Team Secretary

Altnagelvin Hospital, Glenshane Road, Londonderry. BT47 6SB

02871345171 Ext. 212408

Specialist Palliative Care Team Secretary

South West Acute Hospital, 124 Irvinestown Road, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, BT74 6DN


Specialist Palliative Care AHP and Social Work Team Secretary

Omagh Hospital Complex, 7 Donaghanie Road, Omagh, Co Tyrone. BT79 0NR


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