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Secondary Care Services

Our Service

This service is responsible for in-patient hospital facilities that deal with those over the age of 65.

  • Specialist Hospital Care for Older People
  • Rehabilitation Hospital Care
  • Opals/Acute Care at Home
  • Hospital Discharge
Specialist Hospital Care for Older People

Within specialist hospital care for older people, there are beds located within the Trust’s northern and southern geographical areas, concentrated around 3 hospital sites, namely Altnagelvin Hospital in Londonderry, Omagh Hospital Primary Care Complex and the South West Acute Hospital in Enniskillen.

Beds are comprised of the following:

Altnagelvin Hospital- 2 Inpatient wards, Ward 40 Altnagelvin which is acute care of the elderly and stroke has 24 beds and Ward 42 Altnagelvin, which is acute care of elderly has 25 beds.

OHPCC- has 6 dedicated beds in a Palliative Care ward.

South West Acute Hospital- has 3 specialist Care of Older People wards- Ward 5 Acute Stroke, 19 beds, Ward 6 and 7 have 20 beds.

Rehabilitation Hospital Care

Rehabilitation hospital care services play a key role in the delivery of older people’s services. These services are currently delivered in 2 hospital sites, namely Waterside Hospital and Omagh Hospital Primary Care Complex.

Waterside Hospital, Ward 3 has 24 beds which provide 14 sub-acute beds, 6 stroke rehabilitation and 4 general rehabilitation. Ward 4 comprises of 24 beds which provide 10 orthopaedic rehabilitation beds and 14 general rehabilitation beds.

OHPCC- Rehabilitation Ward provides 30 rehabilitation beds to include orthopaedic, stroke and general rehabilitation.

There are other services offered within PCOP, such as:

Older Person’s Assessment and Liaison Service (Opals)

The aim of this service is to facilitate the safe early discharge of newly admitted older patients with multi-disciplinary needs and involves a comprehensive geriatric assessment for older people over 75 years of age. It also promotes the use of appropriate pathways, which include hospital rehabilitation and to community services e.g. Rapid Response, Reablement etc.

Acute Care at Home

This service was established in August 2016 and is often referred to “as a virtual ward in the community”. This service is aimed at patients over the age of 75 years and its main purpose is to prevent these patients being admitted to hospital or facilitating earlier discharge from hospital. They have a dedicated multi-disciplinary team which is Consultant Geriatrician led and patients have the same access to treatment as they would if they were a hospital inpatient.

Hospital Discharge

The hospital discharge service is co-ordinated through multi-disciplinary teams located in the northern and southern localities of the Trust. Membership includes staff from both Acute and Primary & Community Care services. This service ensures that it interfaces fully with the on-going development and provision of intermediate and primary care services.

Locations where this service is delivered


Mrs Jennifer McWhirter Head of Secondary Care (A)

Waterside Hospital, Gransha Park, Derry/Londonderry, BT47 6WH

Call us02871860007

Secondary Care - Altnagelvin Hospital

Glenshane Road, Derry/Londonderry, BT47 6SB

Call us02871345171

Secondary Care - South West Acute Hospital

124 Irvinestown Road, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, BT74 6DN

Call us02866382000

Secondary Care - Omagh Hospital & Primary Care Centre

7 Donaghanie Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, BT79 0NR

Call us02882833100

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