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RISE NI (Regional Integrated Support for Education in N. Ireland)

RISE NI is a regional early intervention service which supports children in mainstream pre-school educational and  mainstream Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 primary school settings.

Our RISE NI team consists of occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, social emotional and behavioural practitioners, and support workers.

  • Our Aim

    ‘to reduce underachievement and improve life chances of children and young people by enhancing their educational development and fostering their health, wellbeing and social inclusion through the integrated delivery of the support and services necessary to ensure that every child has the best start in life’ (Hain, 2006)

    RISE (NI) aims to work with mainstream schools and nurseries in meeting the needs of children presenting with difficulties in the following areas:

    • Social skills, emotional wellbeing and behaviour
    • Speech, language and communication
    • Gross Motor
    • Sensory processing, fine motor and visual perceptual
  • What we do
    • Consultation with education staff
    • Training to education staff, parents and carers
    • Universal and targeted whole class and small group programmes
    • Multidisciplinary assessment and specialist support (for children referred to the service)

    RISE Video


  • Accessing the service

    Universal and Targeted Support

    To access universal and targeted support, school staff should contact the team and request a consultation to discuss their needs with a member of the team.

    Specialist Support

    Referrals to RISE NI are made by education settings only. School staff are advised to request a consultation before sending a referral to the team. We encourage any other professional to contact us to discuss options for accessing the service, or to share RISE NI contact details with the child’s playgroup, nursery, or primary school.

    Specialist Referral Criteria

    • Children in their preschool year attending preschool funded playgroups, mainstream statutory nurseries OR attending mainstream primary schools (in Year 1 to Year 4)
    • Children who require RISE NI specialist assessment and support in at least 2 out of the 4 broad areas of need.
    1. Social skills, emotional wellbeing and behaviour
    2. Speech, language and communication
    3. Gross Motor Skills and Mobility Difficulties
    4. Sensory processing, fine motor and visual perceptual needs

    Closing Date for Specialist Referrals:

    • Children in year 4: Halloween
    • Children in nursery through the end of Year 3: Good Friday
  • RISE NI Parent Website
  • RISE NI Educations Staff Website

    Click here to visit the RISE NI Education Staff Website

  • Feedback Surveys
  • RISE NI Leaflet

    RISE NI Leaflet – Download and Print

    Regional Integrated Support for Education (RISE) – Working and Learning Together

    RISE NI (Regional Integrated Support for Education NI) supports children in schools by working closely with parents and school staff to help children develop the foundation skills for learning.

    RISE NI is an early intervention service.

    Our aim is to help children enjoy, achieve and learn to the best of
    their ability in school.

    What areas do we mainly focus on?

    In RISE NI, we work with children to promote:

    • social, emotional and behavioural development;
    • speech, language and communication development;
    • sensory – motor development (the process of receiving
      messages from our senses and producing a response) and
      visual – perceptual development (the ability to make sense of
      what we see).
    Who are we?

    The RISE NI service may include the following staff:

    • behaviour therapists and specialists;
    • clinical and associate psychologists;
    • occupational therapists;
    • physiotherapists;
    • speech and language therapists;
    • dietitians;
    • therapy assistants and support workers;
    • clerical officers
    What support does RISE NI provide?

    RISE NI will provide support as required to meet children’s needs.

    Universal support
    General training, advice and strategies to school staff and parents to enhance and enrich the development of all children.

    Targeted support
    Targeted advice, consultation, strategies, training, class based and small group programmes.

    Specialist support
    Assessment for children with persistent needs who have not responded positively to strategies and support already used in school.

    Further Information

    For further information in your local area please visit or contact your local team.
    You can watch a short video on RISE NI at


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Clooney Road
BT47 6TG

Call us02871865265

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Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital
1 Donaghanie Road
BT79 0NS

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