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Gateway Service

Our Service

The Gateway Service is a social work service for children and families.

It is the first point of contact for people who are concerned about a child or young person. It provides an immediate response to safeguard children in need of protection.

Gateway social workers visit children, young people and their families in their own homes  to assess their needs. Social workers liaise with other professionals involved with the family to ensure their views are included in the assessment.

If you contact the Gateway Team by phone, the Duty Worker will firstly seek some general information about you, the child or family and the nature of your concern. On the basis of this information they will be able to judge whether or not the enquiry should be progressed to referral.

If the child is at risk of immediate harm we will respond immediately or if appropriate within 24 hours. All other initial assessments will be carried out within 7 days following the completion of the preliminary assessment.

The Gateway Service ensures that those children identified as requiring ongoing social work support receive this service.

The Gateway Team can be contacted for help in the Derry, Limavady, Strabane, Omagh and Enniskillen areas (see Contact Us below).

Further Resources

If you have concerns about a child’s safety, guidance on Child Sexual Exploitation are available below:

Locations where this service is delivered


Derry Office

Whitehill, 106 Irish Street, Derry/Londonderry BT47 2ND


Omagh Office

Tyrone & Fermanagh Hospital, Omagh, Co Tyrone BT79 0NS


Enniskillen Office

SWAH Level 1 Ward 10, 124 Irvinestown Road, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh BT74 6DN


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