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Stroke Services

We provide hyper acute stroke services alongside a comprehensive neuro multidisciplinary rehabilitation service. We work in partnership with the regional neurosciences unit, Royal Victoria Hospital to deliver the most up to date acute intervention for suitable patients.

Hyper-acute Intervention

We provide hyper-acute intervention for acute stroke in the South West Acute Hospital and Altnagelvin Hospital.  Thrombolysis (clot busting) treatment is offered to those patients assessed as being appropriate.  The key to someone receiving the clot busting drug is that they know the exact time of their symptom onset and they ring 999 immediately and not their GP.

The FAST test is there to support the public in knowing we as a Trust want them to ring 999 if they have any of the 3 symptoms outlined in the public awareness campaign.

Transient Ischaemic Attack

A Transient Ischaemic Attack or TIA is a warning that you are at risk of a full blown stroke occurring.  The symptoms of a TIA are the same as a stroke but only last for a few minutes sometimes longer.

If you have experienced new symptoms that have resolved, contact your GP or out of hours GP for an emergency appointment, as you think you have the symptoms of a TIA.

Patients who experience a TIA will have access to daily specialist TIA clinics across the Trust (Monday – Friday), and will be assessed via the medical assessment units (Saturday – Sunday) through referral from their GP or Emergency Department.


Specialist stroke rehabilitation services are available within the Stroke Units in Altnagelvin, South West Acute Hospital, Omagh Hospital and Primary Care Complex and the Waterside Hospital.  Community based specialist stroke rehabilitation is provided across the Western Trust.

There are direct links with the Trust and the voluntary organisations that can support patients and their carers in the longer term after discharge from hospital.  Self-referral to these organisations is welcomed.

Further Resources

FAST Poster

Stroke Association                                                                                                          

Co. Londonderry – 07947273620

Co. Tyrone and  Co. Fermanagh – 07436034587

Chest Heart and Stroke Association                                                                           

 Co. Tyrone – 07841278845

Co. Fermanagh – 07793979870

Locations where this service is delivered


Alison Beattie

Stroke Coordinator



Altnagelvin Hospital Stroke Unit

Ward 40

South Sing

Ext 216740

South West Acute Hospital Stroke Unit

Ward 5

Level 3

Ext 254020

Stroke Specialist Nurse

Fermanagh and Omagh


Stroke Specialist Nurse



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