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Children’s Residential Care

There are six residential children’s homes in the Western Trust. All of which provide safe, caring and nurturing homes for young people who for a variety of reasons cannot live with their own families.

Our Service

Each young person has a keyworker who works closely with them and their families to achieve the best outcomes. Young people are supported to be involved in all aspects of life such as education, health, sports and their individual interests.

Residential staff work with young people and their families alongside other Trust colleagues and organisations in assessment and planning to provide effective support to promote positive change for our young people.

A young person may live here on a short or long term basis, depending on their assessed need. They may move to return home, live with foster carers, live in supported accommodation or independent accommodation. Each young person’s needs and plans are individual to them.



Katie Lavery

Principal Social Worker Worker(Residential Childcare)
Abercorn Road
BT48 6SB


Michelle Quigley

Principal Social Worker (A) Residential Childcare
Block A, Flat 4, Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital,
1 Donaghanie Road,
BT79 0NS


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