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Urgent Care and Treatment Centre (UCTC)

The Urgent Care and Treatment Centre (UCTC) at the Omagh Hospital and Primary Care Complex is a Nurse-led Minor Injuries Unit which is operational 24 hours a day and is fully supported by 24/7 x-ray facility.

There are a number of services which take place through the Urgent Care and Treatment Centre at the Omagh Hospital and Primary Care Complex. These include:

  • Minor head injuries, where there has been no loss of consciousness.
  • Scalp wounds;
  • Facial injuries, which include eye injuries e.g. – Foreign body in eye;
  • Suturing for minor wounds;
  • Eye infection;
  • Shoulder, arm, hand sprains and fractures;
  • Lower limb sprains and fractures, all of which can be x-rayed on site and treated appropriately and referred for follow up at outpatient clinics;
  • Bites, stings, skin infections
  • Receive patients with chest pain and refer to the adjacent Cardiac Assessment Unit.

What happens at the Urgent Care and Treatment Centre?

The UCTC has a reception area, which is staffed by Receptionist – Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.

Patients who arrive here will provide their details and will then be assessed by highly trained staff nurses before being seen by the Emergency Nurse Practitioner (ENP).

Patients are seen as a matter of priority so sometimes, for more minor problems, you may have to wait for a while in the waiting area.

The team consists of Emergency Nurse Practitioners who will see, treat and discharge the full range of presenting minor injuries. They are assisted by staff nurses who assess, carry out treatments, give advice and support and ensure that priority cases are expedited quickly through the department.

The staff receive telephone advice from A&E Consultants on both the South West Acute and Altnagelvin sites and use tele-medicine to assist with diagnosis.

The service is also supported by Health Care Assistant and Reception Staff. Telephone advice is also available 24/7 by contacting 028 8283 3169.

More information on Phone First Services

The ‘Phone First’ number to ring is 0300 020 6000

The ‘Phone First’ text relay number is 0870 240 5152

Phone First is available from 8am – 12am

Locations where this service is delivered


Urgent Care and Treatment Centre

Omagh Hospital and Primary Care Complex, 7 Donaghanie Road,  Omagh, Co Tyrone

BT79 0NR

Call us02882833169

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