Our Service
Speech and Language Therapy supports children and young people who have speech, language, communication needs and/or swallowing difficulties.
Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) work closely with parents, carers and other professionals, (e.g. Teachers, Health Visitors). SLTs work in a range of settings, including:
- Health Centres
- Special Schools
- Mainstream Schools
- Language Classes
- Nurseries and playgroups
- Sure Start
- Family home
- Hospital wards
Children may present with:
- Delayed language development
- Developmental Language Disorder
- Difficulties in producing sounds
- Stammering
- Voice disorders
- Eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties
Speech, language and communication difficulties may also be associated with:
- Learning and/or physical disabilities
- Autism/social interaction difficulties
- Hearing impairment
- Cleft palate
SLTs work in the following multi-disciplinary teams within the Western Trust –
What we do
SLTs carry out a specialist assessment to find out what your child’s individual needs and difficulties are, so we can provide the best possible support.
This takes into account their readiness for therapy and the impact their difficulties are having on everyday life.
Therapy may include advice/strategies, parent sessions, group therapy and individual sessions.
Whatever the support we offer, we always work closely with parents, families and others who are involved with your child e.g. nursery teacher, classroom assistant.
Referral Information
If you would like to make a referral to Speech & Language Therapy
Ask your GP or other professional involved with your child to make a referral or you can self-refer by ringing the central referral line
028 7186 4399 (office hours)
Further Resources
Speech, language and communication
- Michael Palin Centre www.stammeringcentre.org
- British Stammering Association www.stammering.org
Hearing Impairment – www.ndcs.org.uk
Cleft Palate www.clapa.com/treatment/early-years-1-4/speech/
Alternative and Augmentative Communication – www.communicationmatters.org.uk
Health and Care Professions Council
Locations where this service is delivered
Derry/Londonderry/Limavaddy Area
Strabane, Omagh, Enniskillen Area
Referral Line