Ongoing Opportunities 2025
Lilliput Theatre Company – It’s Your Time to Shine
- Are you an Adult with a Learning Disability?
- Are you looking for somewhere new to go?
- Do you want to try something new?
- Do you want to add something special to your week?
Activities include Leisure, Crafts, Games, Drama, Music and Dance.
If you are interested: Call Lilliput on 073 4206 1591 or talk to your social worker or transition officer
9 Artillery Street, Derry/Londonderry, BT48 6RG
Family Fund – Helping Disabled Children – Your Opportunity
Help for Young Disabled Adults Aged 18-24
Your Opportunity is a dedicated grants programme which aims to enhance the life of a disabled or seriously ill young adult.
Can we help you? You can apply for a Your Opportunity grant if you:
- are the main parent or carer of a disabled, or seriously ill, young adult aged 18-24, who lives at home with you
- have not had a Your Opportunity grant on behalf of your disabled young adult, in the past 12 months
- have lived in the UK for the last six months
- have a low household income, or receive a benefit such as Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit etc.
Please visit our website to see our full eligibility criteria and more about the scheme, at:
You can get grants for digital equipment, clubs and activities, musical instruments, sports equipment, day trips and much more…
Download and Print the leaflet for more information.
Experiences of Social Work
Have you or someone you know engaged with Social Work services in Northern Ireland? We are keen to learn from the experiences of people of all ages who have used social work services, have cared for someone who has used them or are close to someone who has used them. The data collected will be used to inform practice and service improvement and social work training.
The survey can be accessed through the website
You can request a printed copy by contacting us: Call: 02895 362868 (office hours) or email
All data collected will be anonymous.
You can download/print the survey below:
Tuned In Project
The Tuned In Project uses the digital and creative arts, media and music to support people with Learning Disabilities to be different.
To find out more, visit the Tuned In Project Website by clicking here.
Leonard Cheshire in NI
Leonard Cheshire help graduates with long term conditions or disabilities to secure placements with leading NI companies. Click here to visit the Leonard Cheshire website for more information.
ARC NI – TILII TV Questionnaire
ARC NI are seeking your help. We are looking to understand what you think about TILII TV.
Click here to download/print the short Easy Read Questionnaire.
NOW Group
Funded Short Academies 16+

Including expenses, completion bonus and support into employment.
Upskill, Retrain and Gain Qualifications in:
- Tourism
- Hospitality
- Data Analytics
- Cyber Security
Click here to register your interest.
Specially delivered to assist people with learning difficulties, hidden disabilities or neurodiverse conditions. Subject to eligibility requirements.
NOW Connects
Now Connects is our Community Day opportunity, part funded by the Western Trust that operates four days a week in both Omagh and Enniskillen.
Enniskillen – 27c East Bridge Street – Monday – Thursday, 9:30am-1:30pm
Omagh – Ground Floor, Anderson House – Tuesday – Friday 10am – 2pm
NOW Connects is a structured pre-employment programme working on supporting, developing, building independence and life skills alongside promoting health and wellbeing, to those with a learning disability, learning difficulty or neurodiverse condition across Omagh and Enniskillen. Criteria for this is 18+ and participants need to be known to the Western Trust.
Essential Skills
We deliver essential skills in Maths and English. Essential Skills is on a Monday from 1pm- 2pm in
Enniskillen – currently this is via zoom, participants are encouraged to come into the Enniskillen HIVE and are
supported by NOW staff.
Essential skills are delivered in Omagh HIVE on a Wednesday. These are separated into two different groups, a beginner group between 2pm-3pm and an advanced group between 3pm-4pm.
NCEPOD – Moving from Child to Adult Healthcare Services (Transition)
NCEPOD is a national organisation that uses data to help improve the quality of care for future patients in the UK. For this work they are collecting data on young people between 13 and 24 years old.
If you are a young person, parent/carer of a young person, who has moved from child to adult healthcare services, and would like to take part in a group discussion, or fill in an online survey to
share your experiences to help future patients, please contact us by post, phone or email: Please ask permission from your parent/carer if you are under 16*
Download/Print the Flyer Here.
Patient Client Council – Opportunities to Get Involved
- Calling all those who have a learning disability and use services. A chance to tell us your ideas about how YOU want to be supported and how you think health and social care services can be better for YOU. There are different things to do with Learning Disability services that you might want to talk to us about. Our staff are experienced in working alongside YOU to support and make sure YOU HAVE YOUR SAY. If YOU would like to join this group, call Suzanne Collins, Projects Co-Ordinator 07423 810015 or email . Click Here to download/print the flyer.
Get Out Get Active (GOGA) Programmes
Get Out Get Active (GOGA) Programmes are available in Derry/Strabane. The programme aims to engage people who do not traditionally participate in physical activity, particularly people with a disability.

NOW Connects Group
NOW Connects is a pre-employment programme for people with learning disabilities or autism.
The programme builds independence, confidence and develops key skills. It promotes independent living and develops social skills through a variety of activities and training.
NOW Connects supports individuals on their journey to a job with a future or into further training.
Opportunities include OCN accredited Training and a range of Soft Skills courses:
- Personal Development
- Route Training/Road Safety
- Money Management
- Health & Wellbeing
Aisling O’Doherty : 073 9456 5134
Niamh Jones: 074 6795 8322
Click here to visit the NOW Connects website