The Western Trust Podiatry service provides specialist clinical services to those...
The primary responsibility of the Early Years Service within the Western...
What is Child Sexual Exploitation? Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is a...
The new regional Out of Hours Social Work Service provides an...
We provide a range of services for disabled children and young...
Physical and sensory disability impacts significantly on many people in Northern...
Our Service Day Care Services are designed to meet the prescribed...
The Looked after Children’s Service is responsible for ensuring the safety...
Rapid Response Nursing The Rapid Response Team offers acute care at...
Our Service Dietitians assess, diagnose and treat individuals with diet and...
Our Service The Western Trust works alongside two Maternity Liaison groups:...
Our Service Rooming-In During your stay in hospital, your baby will...
Our Service When you go into labour, contact your community midwife...
Our Service We provide parentcraft classes at Altnagelvin and the South...
Our Service We have two maternity departments based at Altnagelvin Hospital...
Our Service Since 2010 Action Mental Health has been successfully delivering...
Our Service We provide case management service for adults diagnosed with...
Our Service Infection Prevention and Control is a key priority for...
Our Service Homecare Services are also delivered through a variety of...
Our Service What is a Health Visitor? Health Visitors are registered...