Following guidance set out by the Department of Health, the Western...
The Western Trust has now seen the successful completion of the...
Our Smoking Cessation Team at Western Trust is calling on businesses...
The Western Trust Mobile Breast Screening Unit will begin scheduled appointments...
The Western Trust has helped deliver another major ‘step towards normality’...
The COVID-19 vaccination programme has been expanded to now include unpaid...
People in the Western Trust area are being encouraged to share...
As the first year anniversary of the start of the COVID-19...
The ‘Western Domestic Sexual Violence Partnership’ are working to raise awareness...
The tireless efforts of Health Professionals across the Western Trust area...
The Western Trust is to become the first healthcare institution in...
The Western Trust began the roll out of the first dose...
Our Acute Care at Home pilot project for Fermanagh and West...
What is No More Silos? No More Silos is a regional...
Mencap have released the 11th Edition of their EmployAbility2U Newsletter. ...
Service User Story – A Day in the Life of Mark...