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Absent without leave
Management and treatment guidelines for alcohol withdrawals policy
Admission of young person 14 to 18 years to adult care wards
Admission of children to the acute children’s ward policy
Adult and childrens services joint protocol responding to the needs of children whose parents have mental health and or substance abuse

Adverse Incident Policy

Appraisal policy
Assistance Dogs Policy


Being Open Policy

Blood Component Transfusion Policy
Breastfeeding policy

Bribery Policy

Capability procedure
Care of Children Perioperatively Policy

CCTV Policy

Chaperoning Policy

CME McKinley T34 Ambulatory Syringe Pump Use for Adult Palliative Patients Policy

Closed Circuit Television Surveillance System (CCTV) Policy
Code of practice on the employment of people with a disability

Complaints Management

Conflict, bullying and harassment in the workplace policy
Consultant, Career Grade Doctors and Dentists Study Leave Policy

Control of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy, including CJD and vCJD Policy

Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH)

Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy
Debt Management and Recovery Policy – Residential Nursing Homes Clients

Decontamination of reusable invasive medical devices
Discharge from Adult Critical Care Services Policy
Disciplinary procedure
Discretionary points policy

Disinfection and Decontamination Policy
Domestic Violence policy
Dress Code policy


Early Alerts Policy

Email policy
Engagement and Supportive Observation Policy
Environmental Policy
Emergency Blood Management Plan for Shortages of Red Cells and Platelets
Equal opportunities policy statement
Exposure to Body Fluids and HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis Policy
Electroconvulsive Therapy for Inpatients and Outpatients

Fire Safety policy
First Aid policy
Food Hygiene and Safety Policy 
Food and Nutrition Policy
Fraud Policy Statement

Generic Prescribing Policy
Gifts and Hospitality Policy
Grievance procedure
Guidelines to the investigation process of harassment at work


Health and Safety Policy

HIV and Aids Policy
Hospital at Night Bleep Policy
Hospital at Night Operational Policy
Hospital Visiting Policy
HR strategy

ICT Disposals
Identification and recording of next of kin
Incident reporting and procedures

Infection Prevention and Control Policy for Management of Clostridium difficile Associated Infection
Infection Prevention and Control Standard Precautions Policy
Integrated admission and discharge
Interhospital transfer of patients and their files / records
Internet policy

Joint declaration of protection

Last Offices
Latex policy
Lithium Policy

Malicious Software

Moving and Handling Policy

Measles – prevention and control policy

Medical Devices Management
Medicines reconciliation on admission and discharge from hospital policy

Memorandum of Understanding Patient Safety Incidents Policy
Mobile Devices Phone Use in Mental Health Wards Policy

Mobile Telephone and Device Policy

Monitoring and Recording of Fluid Balance Intake-Output

MRSA Screening and Management Policy (Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcin Aureus)

Neonatal intravenous gentamicin policy
Non medical prescribing policy
Nursing and midwifery rostering policy
Nurses giving 1st dose of IV antibiotics adults and paeds policy

Optional points policy
Oral Methotrexate Policy

Patient and Client Identification Policy

Patient Choice Related Discharges Delays

Patient/Client Nursing & Midwifery Assessment and Record Keeping

Policy on Pregnancy Testing in Females of child bearing potential on admission to Hospital

Post Mortems Consent Policy
Prescribing and Administering Intravenous Fluids to Children Policy
Prescription and Administration of Oxygen to Adults in Inpatient Facilities

Procedural Sedation: Children and Young People
Professional registration
Public interest disclosure (whistleblowing)


Recording of Verbal Instructions of Patients’/ Clients’ Care and Treatment Policy

Records Management Policy

Recruitment and Selection Framework

Redeployment redundancy policy
Reducing the Harm Caused by Misplaced Nasogastric and Orogastric Feeding Tubes Policy

Reduction of Slips, Trips and Falls for Inpatients within the Western Trust facilities
Referral of a Registrant to the NMC Policy
Regulation and Professional Registration Policy
Removal associated expenses policy
Restrictive Interventions Policy
Resuscitation Policy
Revalidation Policy for nurses and midwives

RIDDOR Reporting Policy
Risk Management Policy

Safe administration of Intrathecal Chemotherapy

Safe use of ionising and non-ionising radiation (Radiation Safety Policy)
Selection appointments policy
Self discharge contrary to medical advice policy
Server desktop and portable security
Social Media Policy
Standing financial instructions
Stroke Telemedicine Governance Policy
Supervision in Nursing Policy

Supporting Staff Policy


Tracheostomy Policy

Transfer policy for Neonates, Infants and Children
Treatment of Anaphylaxis in adults and children policy
Treatment of patients who decline transfusion of blood components
Temporary movement to a higher pay-band acting up policy

Unlicensed Medicines Policy
Use of Patient / Client Identification Band Policy
Using Bedrails Safely and Effectively Policy
User Accounts and Passwords management

Verification of Life Extinct Policy

Visiting Policy        Addendum to the Trust Visiting Policy (31 May 2022)

Zero Tolerance and Security Policy
Zero Tolerance to Preventable Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAIs)