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Looking After Your Mental Health and Wellbeing

Good mental health is every bit as important as good physical health and maintaining it should be a priority for us all.

However, like physical health problems, anyone can experience mental ill health and this can be mild, moderate or severe.

  • 1 in 4 people in Northern Ireland will experience a mental health issue
  • 1 in 10 children and young people experience emotional issues. 1 in 6 have signs of an eating disorder. 10% have self-harmed
  • 39% of people in NI have experienced trauma relating to the Troubles and this can often be seen across generations
  • 1 in 5 people in NI report feeling lonely
  • Covid-19 has significantly affected the mental health of the population of NI and will continue to impact for years to come
  • 5 people die from suicide every week – 70% of these are not known to mental health services

Despite this, there is still a reluctance to talk about our emotions for fear of being judged or being seen as weak, but most people struggle with their mental health and emotions at some time in their life. This can be because of life events such as money worries, relationship difficulties, loss or unemployment. Poor self-esteem, isolation and loneliness can also affect how we feel.