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Antenatal Information

Our Service

We provide parentcraft classes at Altnagelvin and the South West Acute Hospitals as well as supporting classes at local Health Centres. These are sessions for all mothers and their partners, providing information on pregnancy, labour, parenting, exercise and relaxation.

At present some areas of the Trust are taking part in the ‘Getting Ready For Baby’ group based care and education programme. As this incorporates antenatal care along with parentcraft, women taking part in this new way of delivering antenetal care across Northern Ireland, they will not require any additional parentcraft classes. Read more about ‘Getting Ready For Baby’ here.

To book parentcraft classes talk to your community midwife or contact the parentcraft midwives in Altnagelvin or South West Acute Hospital (See Contact Us). Women usually attend classes when they are around 30-32 weeks pregnant.

Read more on our parentcraft topics below:

Preparing for parenthood

Drugs in Pregnancy

  • Contact Narcotics Anonymous on 030 0999 1212

Useful Leaflets:

Fetal Assessment Units

The Trust has three fetal assessment units based in Altnagelvin Hospital, the Women’s Centre in Tyrone County Hospital and the South West Acute Hospital. Expectant mother may attend the units if they have any concerns or worries about their pregnancy. Screening tests are also carried out in the units and outpatient care is given to mothers who have antenatal problems such as raised blood pressure, that do not require admission to hospital.

They are run by a team of experience midwives who provide support and advice to mothers. Medical advice is sought as necessary. You may be referred to the unit by your GP, your community midwife, antenatal clinic, your consultant obstetrician or the accident and emergency department.

Birth Plan

A birth plan is your opportunity to tell us your preferences for labour and delivery. By writing a birth plan, you will let the midwife know what you would like, which will help her to make it a positive experience for you both. It is important, however, that you keep your options open and flexible as every birth is different. Please discuss your birth plan with your midwife at 32-36 weeks of pregnancy.

If you’re about to become a mum, again or maybe for the first time, this is a time of great change, on the outside and inside. Getting to know your baby (PDF) will help you understand what your baby needs to feel safe and secure and will help you get off to a good start with feeding and caring for your baby. It will also explain where to get help if you need it.

Alcohol and Pregnancy (PDF) – This guide is for you if you think you might be pregnant now or hope to be in the future. It is aimed at answering some of the questions you may have about alcohol and pregnancy. It will guide you to make healthier choices.

Birth Choices Clinic

For the majority of women pregnancy and birth is a healthy normal life event.  For some women, for a number of reasons, birth is by caesarean section rather than vaginal birth.  More than 1:5 women currently give birth by caesarean section in the UK.

If you previously had a caesarean birth and are now pregnant, you may be considering your choices for this birth.
At Altnagelvin, we offer a Birth Choices Clinic.  Patients who attend this clinic are referred by their Obstetrician.  Once seen by your Consultant Obstetrician you may be sent to the Birth Choices Clinic where you will receive information on vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) or elective caesarean section.

This clinic is carried out by a Midwife and is based in the Outpatients Department, Altnagelvin Hospital.  Women are seen on a Wednesday morning or alternative appointments can be issued if necessary.  Midwife for the Birth Choices Clinic can be reached via the Switchboard at Altnagelvin Hospital (See Contact Us)

Further Resources

Locations where this service is delivered


Parentcraft Midwives - Altnagelvin


Parentcraft Midwives - South West Acute Hospital


Midwife for Birth Choices Clinic

Altnagelvin Hospital

Call us02871345171