Located on the Gransha site, Londonderry, the Waterside Hospital provides a range of services, incorporating rehabilitation and Mental Health services for older people. The hospital comprises two main units:
- An Assessment Unit, catering for patients with dementia
- A Functional Mental Health Unit.
The Assessment Unit facilitates the care of those with dementia, whilst the Functional Mental Health Unit exists within the hospital, to cater for patients of all ages, suffering from mental health conditions such as Schizophrenia and Depression.
In addition to the two main units, a number of Outpatient clinics are also held at the hospital. These include:
- Memory Service Clinic (9.00am to 5.00pm)
- Psychology Service Clinic (9.00am to 5.00pm)
- Podiatry Service Clinic (9.00am to 5.00pm)
- Dental Service Clinic (9.00am to 5.00pm)
Sign Posts
All wards and departments are signposted throughout the hospital. Should you require assistance, please ask at reception, which is located at the entrance to the hospital.
Getting to Waterside Hospital
Waterside Hospital is situated on the Gransha complex, just off the A2 Clooney Road between Limavady and Londonderry. On entering the Gransha site, the hospital can be accessed by taking the second turn on the left.
Public Transport Information
A bus-stop can be found outside the main entrance to the Waterside Hospital. For a comprehensive bus timetable, please visit www.translink.co.uk/ulsterbus.
Car Parking
Car parking facilities are located directly in front of the hospital. Approximately 200 spaces are available on-site. Of these, 5 are reserved for those with a registered disability permit.
Please Note: Parking may only be permitted in authorised parking-bays. The remainder of the grounds should remain clear, in order to allow easy access for ambulances and other emergency vehicles.
Visiting Hours
In all of our hospitals we have specific visiting times to ensure our patients have adequate rest and recuperation, receive timely care and treatment and help maintain hospital hygiene.
Daily visiting is 3pm-4pm and 7.00pm-8.30pm. The maximum number of visitors is restricted to 2 per patient at any one time. For details of Exception Arrangements (e.g. relatives involved in direct care of patients) please see our Visiting Policy.
Whilst there is no newsagent within the hospital, a mobile tuck-shop visits the hospital daily, providing confectionary, newspapers and magazines. In addition, a vending-machine can also be found at the entrance to the hospital.
Public Telephone
A public telephone can be found in the reception area of the hospital. Mobile telephones are available throughout the hospital, and can also be provided, on request.
Help and Support
Should you require access to a wheel-chair, or any other assistance, please contact Reception upon arrival.
Chaplaincy services are provided by a part-time team comprising Church of Ireland, Methodist, Presbyterian and Roman Catholic chaplains. The chaplains visit the hospital on a regular basis but arrangements can be made for anyone to contact their own chaplain if they wish. Visits take place on wards and prayers for healing and the sacrament of Holy Communion are available on request. Other special services can be requested via the ward manager.
Services delivered at this location
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Occupational Therapy
- Older People’s Mental Health Services
- Podiatry
- Specialist Palliative Care
- Stroke Services