Following the very serious incident which occurred at Youth Sport Omagh, where a number of members of our community were present, the Western Health and Social Care Trust are highlighting the following support resources.
The Trust are working closely with the Education Authority which has been supporting school children affected by this incident. The following links provides helpful advice to parents/carers and adults in the aftermath of such incidents. The link also gives information about additional support on offer if required.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Support:
Links to helpful information:
- NHS Leaflet
- Supporting children and young people involved in major trauma: Advice for parents, caregivers and
teachers - Link to EA resources specific to critical incident for YP/Parents:
- Managing a Critical Incident | Education Authority Northern Ireland (eani.org.uk)
Drop in Sessions
Planned drop in sessions for parents/ community advocates who have questions about how to
support Children/Young People in the immediate aftermath
- Tara Centre
- Monday 27th February 2.00pm to 5.00pm
- Wednesday 1st March 4.00pm to 7.00pm
For Parents/carers who would like sooner advice with regards to how to support their child/young
person a helpline is available. Parents/carers can access this by calling 07760997075 between 9.00am
and 1.00pm from 24/02/23 to 03/03/23. Your name and number will be taken and a member of the
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service will return your call.
If parents/carers have immediate concerns regarding their child/young person’s emotional health
and well-being or safety please make direct contact with your GP or Out of Hours Services/A&E.
- CLICK HERE for CAMHS Support Plan
- CLICK HERE for NHS Trauma Leaflet
- CLICK HERE for ‘Supporting Children and Young People after major trauma’
Adult Mental Health Support
The Trust adult mental health services are working closely with the Trusts women’s and children’s services and The Education Authority who have been supporting school children affected by this incident. We would now aim to extend this support to adults and parents of the children impacted by the incident.
Drop in
Planned drop in sessions for adults who have been impacted in the aftermath of the incident
- Strule Arts centre
- Thursday 2nd March 2023 12.00pm-3.00pm
- Thursday 9th March 2023 12.00pm-3.00pm
If you have immediate concerns regarding your emotional health and well-being or safety please make direct contact with your GP or Out of Hours Services/A&E.