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Early Intervention Service

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Early Intervention Service Team at Western Trust Staff Awards - Winners of the Improvement, Innovation & Involvement Award 2023

Early Intervention Service Team at Western Trust Staff Awards – Winners of the Improvement, Innovation and Involvement Award 2023

There is a clear evidence base highlighting that early identification and intervention leads to better outcomes for children, young people and families.

It is with this in mind the Early Intervention Service within the Children and Young People’s Autism Service is the crucial first step on the Autism Pathway within the Western Trust.

We want to meet with families right at the beginning of their journey and together with them find the best support and intervention for them.  Families are invited to attend a welcome, introductory session as soon as they are accepted to the waiting list. This session is referred to as Tier 1.

What does Early Intervention look like?

Early Intervention sessions can be accessed throughout the child’s/young person’s journey to assessment.

Tier 1 

Tier 1 provides families with information on their journey through the Western Trust Children’s and Young People’s Autism Service


  • To increase understanding of Autism and neurodiversity,
  • Help parents and carers see things from their child/ Young person’s perspective
  • Advise parents of further more specialised Tier 2 interventions & other supports available to them at this time

Further Information

EIS Brochure Cover 2024Tier 2

Tier 2 offers carefully and specially designed interventions for children/young people with neurodevelopmental differences.

Click here to view our brochure 

Further Information

Once the autism assessment is completed, support from the Early Intervention Service ends. For those who receive a confirmed diagnosis of autism, post-diagnostic interventions become available.

Meet the Team

Meet the Early Intervention Services Team.


More information on our Tier 1 and Tier 2 Intervention Sessions.

What's On

Find out more on events taking place within the service

Service User Feedback

Service User and Parents Feedback for Children’s and Young Person’s Autism Service.

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