Our Service
We have two maternity departments based at Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry/Londonderry and the South West Acute Hospital in Enniskillen:
- Altnagelvin maternity department is a located in a modern-designed purpose-built unit in the South Wing of Altnagelvin Hospital, opened in February 2009.
- The maternity department is located on the first floor of the state-of-the-art single room South West Acute Hospital outside Enniskillen.
The Trust also has community midwifery teams who provide services for women in the Limavady, Derry/Londonderry, Strabane, Omagh and Fermanagh localities.
As soon as you have a positive pregnancy test you can refer yourself directly for maternity care with your midwife in the Western Trust. Please complete the form below and leave the it at your Health Centre Reception. The Community Midwife will arrange an appointment for you and also notify your GP of your pregnancy.
Self-Referral Form
Paying Patient Form
Maternity Services Booklet
The Western Trust has a Maternity Services Booklet for expecting mums. Our maternity booklet is designed to give you information about your care during pregnancy, child birth and after your birth. We hope that you find this guide helpful as it will give you information on scans, birth plans, induction of labour, midwifery led unit, feeding your baby and much more. However please feel free to discuss any aspect of your care with our midwives and doctors, we are here to help. Click here to view our booklet.
Take our survey
We would love to hear about your experience. Please take a few minutes to complete our online survey here.
Further Resources
COVID 19 Arrangements for Maternity Services
Remember you can still contact your own Community Midwife on the number on the front of your Green Maternity Notes.
24 hour 'Pregnancy Advice Line'
During the COVID-19 pandemic Western Trust Maternity Services have set up a dedicated 24 hour phone line – “Pregnancy Advice Line” for you if you have any specific queries relating to your pregnancy and care.
Altnagelvin Hospital – 028 7161 1412
South West Acute Hospital – 028 6638 2175
Antenatal Clinic Appointments
Following on from our latest update on Maternity Services, all routine antenatal appointments have now relocated from Ward 9 back to Clinic 1, Outpatients, Altnagelvin. .
All consultant antenatal clinics in South West Acute Hospital are transferred to Omagh Hospital
Hospital Visiting
Visiting in antenatal and postnatal wards (from 20/03/2023)
- One partner may attend from 1:00PM to 9:00PM and can attend to collect mothers if ready to be discharges prior to 1:00PM.
- Two people only may attend twice per day during normal visiting hours between 3:00PM – 4:00PM and 7:00PM – 8.30PM. In the event of overcrowding of multiple occupancy areas, visitors may be asked to rotate their visiting times to prevent overcrowding.
- Babies and Children do not routinely visit. Exceptional circumstances should be discussed with the nurse in charge.
When you attend
- You and your birthing partner will be asked screening questions on entering the maternity building
- You must wear your own face covering at all times while in the maternity building. If for medical reasons you cannot wear a face mask then a visor must be worn.
- You must sanitise your hands on entering the maternity building and again on admission to
the individual ward and department
Scan and antenatal appointments
- One partner may accompany a woman attending antenatal appointments
- We have to adhere to 2-metre social distancing in our outpatient settings – in particular, the waiting areas. While you are welcome to bring your partner to all appointments, please be aware that your partner will be asked to wait outside the building until called into your appointment.
- We would ask you to consider attending antenatal appointments on your own if you can
- Please arrive no earlier than 15 minutes prior to your allocated appointment time
- If your antenatal appointment is on same day as your GTT or Anti D your partner may only accompany you to your antenatal appointment and will be phoned to come in to join you
- We cannot welcome children or other family members at this time to antenatal clinics.
Labour and Birth
- A nominated birth partner may accompany a woman for the initial induction process, the duration of the visit will be decided by the midwife in charge.
- Women in early labour may be supported by one birth partner
- One nominated birth partner may accompany a woman in labour to delivery suite/MLU and at the birth.
Please note this guidance will be subject to change and will be updated in line with the Trust and Government guidance.
Contact Numbers
- Early Pregnancy Assessment Service (Altnagelvin)
Telephone: 028 7161 1204
- Early Pregnancy Assessment Service (South West Acute Hospital)
Telephone: 028 6638 2000 Ext 254053
- Fetal Maternal Assessment Unit, (Altnagelvin) Telephone: 028 7161 1412
- Fetal Maternal Assessment Unit (Omagh and South West Acute Hospital)
Telephone 028 8283 3100 (24 hour line) Ext 237693
- Antenatal Ward (Altnagelvin) Telephone: 028 7161 1306
- Postnatal Ward (Altnagelvin) Telephone: 028 7161 1496
- Antenatal / Postnatal Ward (South West Acute Hospital)
Telephone 028 6638 2531
Hospital Maternity or Early Pregnancy Assessment Entrances
Altnagelvin – South Wing Entrance (follow signage)
Omagh – Main Hospital Entrance
South West Acute Hospital – GP out of Hours entrance beside A&E entrance for maternityMain front entrance for early pregnancy clinic
Virtual Antenatal and Postnatal Education Classes
NI Antenatal and Postnatal Online Courses

Parents and parents-to-be can now access antenatal and postnatal education courses online.
Visit inourplace.co.uk and use the access code: NIBABIES
Online Antenatal Breastfeeding Workshop
Click here to access the Online Antenatal Breastfeeding Workshop.
COVID19 Maternity Website
For more information, guidance and updates on changes to maternity services in Northern Ireland and signposting of how to access services visit:
Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding Information
For information on breastfeeding and infant feeding, visit our Infant Feeding page here.
Our Teams
A professional team will care for you during your pregnancy and labour and following the birth of your baby.
- Obstetricians are doctors who specialise in maternity care.
- Midwives provide holistic care during pregnancy, birth and in postnatal period.
- Community Midwives are midwives are located within maternity hubs and provide outpatient and community care.
- Paediatricians are doctors who specialise in the care of babies and children.
- Anaesthetists are doctors who specialise in medical pain relief and are responsible for administering epidurals.
- Physiotherapists provide antenatal and postnatal exercise and relaxation advice.
- Social Workers provide advice and support in many circumstances.
- Dieticians specialise in dietary advice for gestational diabetics with raised BMI’s.
- Lactation Midwife – is specialist midwife in infant baby feeding. She also assesses for tongue tie if referred by a HCP and if diagnosed can release same if there are breast feeding issues. All midwives and midwife support workers are breast feeding advisors- who promote breastfeeding, provide advice and support all mothers with feeding their babies.
- Parent craft Coordinator provides antenatal education and provide classes in preparation for baby.
- Antenatal Screening Coordinator is responsible for providing updated education to midwives. They also support parents if required with regards the screening of any bloods taken that require action on results, if necessary.
Locations where this service is delivered
Midwives Supervisor - Altnagelvin and Parentcraft Classes
Midwives Supervisor - South West Acute Hospital