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Carers Mailing List

Carers Mailing List

As part of the regional carers strategy ‘Caring for Carers’, the Western Trust will keep a mailing list of informal (unpaid) Carers.

The mailing list will be managed in line with General Data Protection Regulations. Personal details will be confidential and not passed on to any other organisation.

What is the purpose of the Mailing List?

The Carers Mailing List will give the Western Trust more information about the numbers of Carers, their age profile and who they are caring for.

Twice a year the Carers support team issue a Carers Newsletter (April and September). From time to time the Carers Support Co-ordinator will send out other relevant information about carers issues or events, which will help to support you in your caring role.

How do I sign up?

Sign up to the Carers Mailing List by filling out the consent form below.

Download and print the Carers Mailing List.

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