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Physical Activity

Walk This May


May is national walking month – celebrate the power of walking across the month of May.

Join us for Walk This May! We are encouraging individuals and community groups to get involved!

Download the below timetables for our schedule of walks across the Western Trust area. All are welcome

Walk This May | Breastfeeding Support Groups

Walk This May | Public Walks

Walk This May | Staff Walks 

  • Physical Activity

    Any amount of physical activity is better than doing none at all. And if you are already physically active, increasing the amount you do can also benefit your health.

    Being physically active can help to:

    • improve your physical health;
    • boost your mental and emotional health;
    • maintain a healthy weight;
    • manage stress
    • Create social opportunities

    Physical activity has also been shown to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as:

    • heart disease;
    • some cancers;
    • type 2 diabetes.

    By becoming more active, you are also playing your part in protecting our environment. Walking more will reduce your carbon footprint and benefit us all for generations to come. Encouraging others to join you will also help.

    Remember, sit less, move more and any amount is better than none.

    Getting active | Choose to Live Better

    Be Active Video 

  • Creating Hope Through Action Booklet
  • How active should we be?

    Click here for guidance on recommended amounts of physical activity

    Click on the images below for infographics explaining the guidelines for different groups:

    Babies and Children

    Physical activity for early years poster

    Children and Young People

    Physical activity for children and young people poster

    Adults and Older Adults

    Physical activity for adults and older adults poster

    Pregnant Women

    Physical activity for pregnant women poster

    Adults with a Disability

    Physical activity for disabled adults poster

    View/Download/Print the UK Chief Medical Officers’ physical activity guidelines for disabled children and disabled young people: infographic (

  • Walking for Health

    Walking for Health logo

    The Walking for Health initiative is co-ordinated by the Western Health and Social Care Trust, and funded by the Public Health Agency. The initiative provides free Walk Leader training and ongoing support for anyone who would like to lead health walks as a volunteer or in a work capacity.

    Walking for Health provides:

    • Walk Leader training
    • Resources to support your walking group
    • Insurance
    • Support to set up and develop your walking group
    • Annual Walking initiatives

    Group walks are led by friendly, specially trained volunteers who will provide support and encouragement on the way. The programme itself targets those who would like to participate in short walks (anything from 5 minutes to under 1 hour).

    We work in partnership with volunteers and staff within local community groups, the Trust and other statutory organisations to promote the benefits of walking and to help people to become more active in Northern Ireland.

    As a walk leader you will be making a positive impact on your own health and helping other enjoy getting outdoors and improving their health!

    If you are interested in the Walking for Health programme, please see contact details below.

    Every Step Counts Video

  • Daily Mile

    The Western Trust in partnership with the Public Health Agency, The Education Authority and local Councils is promoting The Daily Mile™ and encouraging more schools to get involved.

    The Daily Mile is a social physical activity, with children running, jogging or wheeling– at their own pace – in the fresh air with friends. Children can occasionally walk to catch their breath, if necessary, but should aim to run, jog or wheel for the full 15 minutes. We want every child to have the opportunity to do The Daily Mile at primary school, and are now working to build The Daily Mile’s community with schools, local councils, sports bodies and other supporters in the UK and beyond.

    About The Daily Mile

    The Daily Mile advertisement supported by INEOS and ITV

    View/Download/Print the Core Principles

    To register your school and receive resources, please see contact details below.

  • Physical Activity Training Opportunities

    Within our Health Improvement Equality and Involvement Training brochure, issued twice per year we offer a range of FREE training opportunities for those working with different groups in the community, patients and/or in educational settings. These are usually Level 2 accredited courses and places are limited. To talk to someone about a particular course, or a need arising to address physical (in)activity please get in touch with

    Previous courses offered included;

    • Level 2 Chair Based Exercise
    • Level 2 Chi Me
    • Level 2 Chair Yoga
    • Level 2 DRUM Based exercise
    • Sports Coaching and Autism
    • Introduction to Chair Based Activity
  • Useful websites
  • Contact Us

    For more information on Physical Activity, please contact the Physical Activity Coordinator, Health Improvement, Equality and Involvement Department on; Email:

    Phone: 028 7186 5127

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