Every year the Western Trust receives many donations from members of the public. These donations vary in amounts from £10 to thousands of pounds. They come from individuals, community groups, families, patients, sports clubs, schools, businesses – from all walks of life and all areas of our Trust.
The generosity of our community makes it possible for the Trust to do things that otherwise would simply not be possible. For instance, in the last year we have used donations to buy equipment for hospital wards, support crafts at social education centres, and fund day trips and lunches for older people.
None of this would have been possible without your help and support.
When donations are given to the Trust, they are used in four main ways:
- For patient/client/relative/visitor comfort and amenity
- Staff appreciation
- Staff education and training
- Academic research and development
How do I make a Donation?
If you wish to make a donation, please speak to a member of Trust staff and they will advise. We have a large number of E and G Funds available which are spread across all Trust directorates. Staff can make contact with our Finance to decide which fund should be used from those available.
Donations can be made to Endowment and Gifts Funds that are held separately from public funds including:
- Cancer Fund
- Cardiac Fund
- Palliative Care
The kindness of the public is appreciated by our staff, and we are grateful for the continued generous support for all areas of the Trust.
Endowments and Gifts (E and G) Committee
The Committee’s role is to ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place to oversee the administration, including banking arrangements, of E and G Funds, their investments and disbursement. The Trust’s Endowments and Gifts Committee is chaired by a Non-Executive Director.
Non-Monetary Gifts/Donations
The Trust also gratefully receives donations of non-monetary items such as knitted/crocheted blankets for dementia patients, teddies for children within ED and items that are sewn such as cosies or incubator covers for Neonatal units.
We recognise the time and effort that goes into every item that is donated. It is important however to recognise that there are guidelines/specifications as to what is deemed appropriate for the hospital setting.
We have included a selection of patterns and guidance ranging from fidget muffs to children’s colouring packs. We kindly ask that anyone considering donating items refer to these.
Download from the links below.
Lap Blankets for Elderly and Dementia Patients
Any queries regarding suitable donations should be made to the relevant department, or alternatively to Wendy Doherty, Volunteer and Work Experience Coordinator, wendy.doherty@westerntrust.hscni.net
Please note: You can also donate items directly to a charity of your choice for example 4Louis, Sands and Simba. Thank you.