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Referral Pathway for Diagnostic Assessment

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Referral Form

1. Children from 3 years of age and up to 17 years 9 months can ONLY be referred by Health Professionals or Educational Psychology Service.

2. Referrals should be completed on the Regional ASD referral form or the Trust-wide NDH form, with parental consent. Download and print the form.

3. Children under 3 years should have a developmental screen by paediatrics in the first instance, so children under 3 yrs can only be referred by paediatricians.

4. Resident within the Western Trust Geographical area.

5. All available appropriate interventions and supports should be considered prior to a specialist autism assessment

6. All referrers should have met with the child/young person prior to referral being made to the Specialist Autism Service and any observation of difficulties in communication, social interaction, play/interests/restricted or repetitive behaviours or sensory concerns noted.

7. In line with NICE guidelines CG128, referrals must include examples of difficulties across different social environments for example, home and school in the following areas of;

    • communication,
    • social interaction,
    • play/interests/restricted or repetitive behaviours or sensory concerns

8. If the school has requested this referral to be made please ensure that parents/carers request relevant evidence from the school to be included with the referral form. Parents may find it helpful to complete the referral form with the child/young person’s teacher in advance of GP consultation.

9. If a referral is rejected the referrer will be informed, additional information may be requested or signposting offered. A referral may be discussed at SPOE before triage is completed.

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