Is there a minimum age to be able to attend work experience?
The minimum age for work experience at the Western Health & Social Care Trust is 16 years old.
How can I apply for work experience?
Please speak to your careers teacher or advisor who must submit the request on your behalf. It is important that any work experience we provide is part of a career planning process so you are matched to the most appropriate work experience opportunity.
I’m no longer at school but would like some work experience, can I still apply?
Yes, however you will need to provide information about your current situation and why you are seeking work experience so we can look at options for you. We will still need you to complete some forms
How many days work experience can I get?
Our work experience is typically for 1 to 3 days depending on the type. We receive a large number of requests for work experience each year and aim to accept as many requests as we can therefore we need to limit the number of days we can offer to each student.
What is your dress code for work experience?
Students should ensure they are appropriately dressed for a professional workplace. In particular, we have a strict dress code for nursing placements to promote effective infection control and to enable staff and visitors to identify students on placement. Guidance on dress code and other important information about your work experience placement will be provided to you before you are due to attend.
What happens if I am unwell or unable to attend work experience?
Please do not attend work experience if you are unwell or a close contact of someone who has symptoms or tested positive for an illness such as Covid-19. Please contact your careers teacher and/or the Volunteering and Work Experience Team to advise that you will not be attending work experience. If appropriate, we will attempt to re-arrange your work experience but cannot guarantee that we can provide you with another opportunity
Can I register to volunteer as well?
Yes, volunteering is another great way to build experience and confidence in a workplace. We have many volunteer roles that will help you learn more about patient care and working in a healthcare setting. Please visit Volunteering for more information if you are interested in volunteering with the Western Health & Social Care Trust.