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Health and Social Care Values

Health & Social Care values provide clarity for all HSC staff, including prospective staff, on the values you should live every day, and the behaviours expected of you, regardless of the HSC organisation you work for.

These values and behaviours will send a clear message to patients, service users, families, and carers about the care and support they should expect, and how this should be delivered.

Values shape everything we do every single day. They are visible in every interaction we have with each other, our patients, their families and partners. Behaviours provide a guide for how we can bring our values to life. Behaviours define ‘how’ we are expected to approach our work and sit alongside ‘what ‘ we do and our attitudes to work.


Working Together

We work together for the best outcome for the people we care for and support. We work across Health and Social Care and with other external organisations and agencies, recognising that leadership is the responsibility of all.

What does this look like in practice?

  • I work with others and value everyone’s contribution
  • I treat people with respect and dignity
  • I work as part of a team looking for opportunities to support and help people in both my own and other teams
  • I actively engage people on issues that affect them
  • I look for feedback and examples of good practice, aiming to improve where possible.


We commit to being the best we can be in our work, aiming to improve and develop services to achieve positive changes. We deliver safe, high quality, compassionate care and support.

What does this look like in practice?

  • I put the people I care for and support at the centre of all I do to make a difference
  • I take responsibility for my decisions and actions
  • I commit to best practice and sharing learning, while continually learning and developing
    I try to improve by asking ‘could we do this better?’

Openness and Honesty

We are open and honest with each other and act with integrity and candour.

What does this look like in practice?

  • I am open and honest in order to develop trusting relationships
  • I ask someone for help when needed
  • I speak up if I have concerns
  • I challenge inappropriate or unacceptable behaviour and practice.
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We are sensitive, caring, respectful and understanding towards those we care for and support and our colleagues. We listen carefully to others to better understand and take action to help them and ourselves.

What does this look like in practice?

  • I am sensitive to the different needs and feelings of others and treat people with kindness
  • I learn from others by listening carefully to them
  • I look after my own health and well being so that I can care for and support others.
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