
The Western Trust and Adult Learning Disability Local Involvement Groups are delighted to support Learning Disability Awareness Week (14-18th June 2021).
Following a difficult year many people with a Learning Disability have felt isolated from their friends and peers and have struggled to cope with the changes to routines and lifestyles.
Karen O’Brien, Director of Adult Mental Health and Disability Services outlined that this year’s Learning Disability Awareness Week focused on the theme of ‘Reconnecting’, with a series of fun events taking place in Day Centres throughout the WHSCT area.
Ms O’Brien, said: “Friendships are a particularly important part of all our lives and so the Western Trust is delighted to have been able to host a range of fun activities over Learning Disability Awareness Week that will allow a celebration of the friendships that exist within Daycare Centres”.
To celebrate and raise awareness of Learning Disability, Day Centre staff worked hard to provide a wide range of events in Fermanagh, Omagh, Strabane, Derry/Londonderry and Limavady.
One successful event was organised by Acute Liaison Nurse Learning Disability Nurse, Clionagh McEhlhinney who set up a stand at Altnagelvin Hospital with the support from Community LD teams.
The aim of the stand was to raise awareness of the health needs of people with a learning disability whilst promoting the regional hospital passport and other Learning disability services within the WHSCT, whilst all staff worn blue to mark the occasion.
Julie McGinty, Involvement Manager in Adult Learning Disability Services said: “It is brilliant to be able to mark this special week dedicated to people with learning disabilities. We recognise this has been an extremely difficult time for all and we hope that people with learning disabilities will have fun reconnecting with their friends.
“The Local Involvement Groups, made up of staff, adults with learning disabilities and carers who work together to effect change, are delighted to be able to support these events. The Involvement Team also wish to thank all Involvement Group members for their commitment and hard work throughout the year.”
Julie added: ‘We are always keen to welcome new members onto the Local Involvement Groups. If you wish to receive more information about how you can become involved in your Local Group please email: ALD.Involvement@westerntrust.hscni.net or ring:
Fermanagh/ Omagh area on 02882835124 or
Limavady/ Derry/L’Derry/ Strabane area on: 02871864323
For more information about Learning Disability services within the Western Trust and the Learning Disability Involvement Team please visit https://westerntrust.hscni.net/services/adult-services/adult-learning-disability-services/ .