
Our Adult Learning Disability Services is delighted to support Learning Disability Week (17-23 June 2024) with a range of fun filled activities on offer for everyone to enjoy.
Karen O’Brien, Director of Adult Mental Health and Disability Services at the Western Trust outlined that this year’s Learning Disability Awareness Week focusing on the theme of ‘Do you see me?’ Which is all about being seen, heard and valued‘’, with a series of fun events taking place throughout the Western Trust area.
Ms O’Brien, said:
“Friendships are a particularly important part of all our lives and so the Western Trust is delighted to have been able to host a range of fun activities over Learning Disability Awareness Week that will allow a celebration of the friendships that exist within our facilities.”
“To celebrate and raise awareness of Learning Disability, our Day Centre staff have been very busy creating a jam packed learning disability week calendar of events with activities taking place in Fermanagh, Omagh, Strabane, Derry/Londonderry and Limavady.”
Christine McLaughlin, Assistant Director Adult Learning Disability Services said:
“This week provides us with the opportunity to have a particular focus on Learning Disability and to pay tribute to all the staff who are employed in Learning Disability Services in the Western Trust. I would like to say a huge thank you for their continued commitment and professionalism in the work that they do with the adults we support every day in ensuring that they feel seen, heard and valued as we work together to support them live their best lives. My wish for the week is that our service users, their carers and families and out staff have a fun filled time. We will be providing regular updates on our social media forums throughout the week which will allow us to all feel connected to these important celebrations.”
“It is wonderful to be able to mark this special week dedicated to people with learning disabilities and showcase the inspirational and creative talents of our young adults who attend day centres across the Western Trust. It is important that our service users are empowered to be seen, heard and valued every day and this week is a very important week to celebrate everyone’s achievements.”
“We hope everyone gets the opportunity to participate in the many activities on offer this week and develop new friendship and connections. Wishing everyone a very fun filled and enjoyable week!”
Focusing on the work of Adult Learning Disability staff we are delighted to showcase the work of three of our Registered Nurses Learning Disability Aishling, Caoimhe and Clionagh.
Aishling Hegarty, explains:
“I am recently qualified Registered Nurse for Learning Disability after completing my training in Scotland I have moved to the Western Trust and I am currently working in Lakeview Hospital, Gransha, Derry/Londonderry. Lakeview is a six bedded inpatient assessment and treatment unit for adults with learning disabilities and my role is providing person centre and bespoke nursing care.”
Caoimhe O’Brien a Registered Nurse for Learning Disability said:
“I have qualified three years ago and I have spent my career working within Lakeview Hospital. The Theme for Learning Disability Week 2024 is ‘Do You See Me?’ and here at Lakeview Hospital we will be celebrating with events from 17-23 June, providing a range of therapeutic and recreational activities which will be tailored to meet the needs of the individual.”
Clionagh McElhinney, Consultant Nurse for Learning Disability said:
“I work across inpatient and community facilities for adults with a learning disability. As we celebrate Learning Disability Week I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our patients, service users, carers, families and my colleagues a very happy week and enjoy all the fun filled activities that are planned.”
Acute Hospitals/Care Opinion
Community LD Nursing
Fresh Focus