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Debbie Hunter

Debbie Hunter

Macmillan Personalised Care Facilitator - Cancer services, North West Cancer Centre

When did you start the HSC?

February 2001. I started in Health Promotion Agency in Belfast.

Why did you choose to work in the HSC?

Working in the health service has allowed me to develop a meaningful career supporting people to improve their health outcomes.

I have been able to gain access to opportunities of learning as well as developing innovative projects, resources and training.

Over the years I’ve worked alongside many good people working across all sectors to improve health and make a difference to the population of Western Trust.

Describe what you do?

The role of Personalised Care Facilitator (PCF) is relatively new across the region.

Personalised care is designed to encourage the person to self-identify issues making patients more active in the way their health and care is planned and delivered. Facilitated conversation through the Holistic needs assessment helps patients to manage their individual health and wellbeing needs within the context of their life and family situation.

My role aims to support the delivery of personalised care planning for people living with cancer working closely with key MDT colleagues in NWCC to provide eHNA. I support coordination of Health and wellbeing events, pilot colorectal cancer prehab project, patient centered Quality Improvement projects to increase opportunities for WHSCT patients to express their views and support staff wellbeing.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

I love working in the hospital as part of team to support patients and make a difference to their lives, helping them feel listened to and understood.