Our Health Improvement, Equality and Involvement Department are working with a range of organisations to promote sexual health week that runs from 10th -14th February 2020.
This campaign is led by Public Health Agency for Northern Ireland. Its key objective is to provide social media messaging highlighting a different sexual health theme on each day of the campaign week.
- Monday 10 February – Sexually Transmitted Infections and testing
- Tuesday 11 February-Sexting/Social Media
- Wednesday 12 February – Consent
- Thursday 13 February -Young People/Teenagers
- Friday 14 February – Protection
Sexual Health week running at this time of year is unique to Northern Ireland and is very timely with the last day of the campaign taking place on Valentine’s Day.
Ann Linstrom, Health Improvement Officer at the Western Trust said: “This campaign provides an opportunity to highlight a topic that people may not want to talk about. For many people, sexual health remains a taboo subject.
“The Western Trust will promote this campaign through our social media messaging as well as providing information and resources to a host of organisations promoting sexual health services in the local area.
“Key partners involved in sexual health week include North West Regional College/South West College and Ulster University. These organisations have a large student population and key messaging will be available to students around the campaign themes as well as information about where to go for contraception, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections as well as general sexual health advice. Some colleges are running sexual health awareness sessions and providing information points across campuses.
Communities and workplaces are encouraged to get involved with Foyle Women’s Information Network hosting a sexual health awareness event on 6 February 2020 at Holly Well Trust, Bishop Street from 7pm-9pm.
This campaign is part of a larger body of work that promotes sexual health throughout the year and includes sexual health training courses, project based work as well promotion and continued development of sexual health services.
Those wishing to get involved are encouraged to do so via the Western Trust and PHA social media channels or contact Ann Linstrom on 028 7186 5127 or email Ann.Linstrom@westerntrust.hscni.net
Remember Looking after your Sexual Health is as important as any other aspect of your health.