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Health Visiting

Our Service

What is a Health Visitor?

Health Visitors are registered Nurses with an additional qualification in child health/development and family health.

Health visiting is a proactive, universal service that provides a platform from which to reach out to individuals and vulnerable groups, considering their different dynamics and needs, and reducing inequalities in health.

Your Health Visiting team can offer a family centred service from pregnancy until your child goes to school.  We can offer advice and support on matters such as:

  • Play, stimulation and child development
  • Nutrition
  • Breastfeeding
  • Weaning
  • Healthy eating 1-5 years
  • Sleeping
  • Immunisations
  • Keeping your child safe
  • Toileting

When will I see my Health Visitor?

Our aim is to provide you with the help you need at the right time.  Contacts will vary depending on your family’s needs.  You will be visited at home and/or places (e.g. health centres) most suited to your needs.  The usual contacts offered by the Health Visitor are:

  • An antenatal visit after 28 weeks
  • A new birth visit between 10 and 14 days
  • 6 to 8 weeks
  • 14 to 16 weeks
  • 6 to 9 months (Health Visitor or Child Health Assistant)
  • After your child’s first and second birthday’s
  • 3+ year review in nursery school

How can I contact the Health Visiting Team?

Every GP practice has a named Health Visitor.  Your Health Visitor will provide you with their contact details which they will write in your Parent Child Held Record (Red book). If this information is not available, please contact your GP who will provide you with up to date contact information.

Health Visiting Service Survey

If you have availed of our Health Visiting service at any time during the COVID19 pandemic we would like to hear from you.

Take our short survey to share your experience – Take the Survey







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Locations where this service is delivered