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Positive Ageing Small Grants Programme 2024-25


Positive Ageing Grants

The Positive Ageing Small Grants Programme 24-25 is now open for applications!

Constituted/ non-constituted, non-profit making community/ voluntary sector organisations/ groups supporting those aged 60+ can apply for grants of up to £500. Grants should be used to develop programmes for older people to be active and to improve their physical activity while also providing opportunities for social connection.

Applications are available from:

Derry/Strabane and Limavady:

Contact the Bogside & Brandywell Health Forum by emailing Alison at or alternatively phone: 02871365330.

Fermanagh and Omagh:

Contact the South West Age Partnership by emailing 

Closing date is Friday 23rd August 2024.

The Programme is funded by the Public Health Agency and administered by the Western Health & Social Care Trust.