Following presentation of the Pathfinder Update Report and approval at Trust Board, the Pathfinder Project is now moving into the next phase towards delivering outcomes.
To read the full Pathfinder report click here.
Speaking at the June Trust Board Pathfinder Director and Deputy Chief Executive Kieran Downey explained: “Pathfinder has, up to this stage, been about listening, communicating and engaging. This has been the largest piece of engagement the Trust has ever undertaken and it has produced such a rich vein of information that reflects the views of our communities, staff, elected representatives and those who have lived experience of using our services.”
Kieran continued: “This now sets the project with a solid foundation to transition from the listening stage to delivering. The project will be focusing on specific workstreams that were highlighted as common themes during the engagement phase, with a specific focus on Coproduction, Connected Communities and sustaining and developing our Workforce.”
Coproduction is at the very core of the next stage, ensuring the Trust maintains a genuine partnership approach to find shared solutions for our local communities. At the Trust Board Kieran expressed his thanks on behalf of the Trust for the responses from communities, organisations and individuals sharing their experiences and perceptions. The Trust is committed to continue to develop these relationships to ensure the community voice is heard and influential throughout all areas of the Pathfinder project.
Kieran added: “I must also particularly acknowledge the commitment and enthusiasm the Experts by Experience have demonstrated. I know the contribution Barry Boyle, Barry Mimnagh, Noel Baxter, Joey Kelly and Kevin Taylor have demonstrated so far has been significant and will continue to help mould the Pathfinder project and services in Fermanagh and West Tyrone.“
The Connected Communities theme underpins many of the issues and concerns stemming from the Pathfinder engagement phase and will continue to be a core theme throughout all future Pathfinder initiatives. Whether in pharmacies, virtual clinics, domiciliary care, business case development and the Drumclay transition unit – connected communities is essential to ensure the Trust can deliver services effectively and efficiently.
The Trust has already given a commitment to address the workforce issues that were consistently raised throughout the engagement phase by members of the public and staff themselves. The feedback and suggestions have been encouraging and the Pathfinder Team are currently exploring more innovative ways to grow our own talent pool.
Pathfinder represents a real opportunity to shape service provision to meet the specific and unique needs of our population. Alongside these specific themes the Pathfinder project will also be focusing on the regional transformation agenda themes:
- Organising Ourselves to Deliver
- Building Capacity in Communities and Prevention
- Enhancing Support in Primary Care
- Reforming Hospital and Community