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Paediatric Cardiology services expand in the Western Trust


Paediatric Cardiology service launch

The Western Trust is delighted to welcome The All Island Congenital Heart Disease Network to launch the expansion of the Paediatric Cardiology Service in the Western Trust today (Thursday 19 May 2022).

The ‘All Island Congenital Heart Disease Network’ met team members in Altnagelvin Hospital, Londonderry at the launch of the expanded paediatric cardiology service in Western Trust.

Mary McKenna, Assistant Director of Healthcare and Lead Nurse for Women and Children’s Services at the Western Trust said:

“We are very grateful for the ongoing support of the All Island Congenital Heart Disease Network for their expertise and guidance in ensuring that the Paediatric Cardiology Service within the Western Trust can be expanded.  The recent appointment of Dr Steven Karayiannis, Paediatrician with Expertise in Cardiology and Lorraine Curran, Paediatric Cardiac Liaison Nurse means that children with heart disease can be treated locally in the Western Trust and reduce the need for travelling to Belfast or Dublin.

“The Paediatric Cardiology Team will be able to offer assessments and treatment to children and their families who can be supported closer to their home. This will also reduce waiting lists and the waiting times for children in these other locations. I wish the Paediatric Cardiology Team every success for the future.”