
Are you a family carer for an individual who uses Learning Disability Day Care and/or Short Breaks Services?
The Patient and Client Council have been asked to partner with the PHA on developing a working group of family carers. This group will inform and engage with a Framework on safe Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Measures in relation to the provision of Learning Disability Day Care, Short Break and Transport at this stage of the Covid-19 pandemic. If you are a carer with a family member who lives at home with you, who attends Learning Disability Day/Short Break Services and who uses Transport, we would like you to be involved.
This will involve attending a series of engagement meetings via zoom, beginning on 5th August from 4-6pm. You will need to attend these meetings to gain an understanding of the rationale and scientific reasoning within the proposed framework, and to provide your input based on your lived experience with your loved one. We want to hear your views on how to rebuild and continue to move forward, based on your experiences with the initial closures and the current IPC measures and safety restrictions within Learning Disability Day Care and Short Breaks services.
You will be asked to provide some brief demographic details, as we want to ensure a regionally representative group. Anyone interested, who is not able to join the group, will have the opportunity to share their perspective via a questionnaire.
To get involved, contact:
Suzanne Collins, Projects Co-Ordinator at Patient and Client Council
Phone: 074 2381 0015 or
Email: suzanne.collins@pcc-ni.net
by Friday 30th July 5pm.