The Clinical Translational Research and Innovation Centre (C-TRIC) at the Western Trust is commencing an exciting new Gastrointestinal study in collaboration with Cambridge University. Known as the DELTA study, it uses a devise to help diagnose early oesophageal cancer.
The DELTA study assesses a new test called Cytosponge, which aims to pick up cell changes in the oesophagus (gullet) due to Barrett’s oesophagus, a condition that increases the risk of oesophageal cancer. The test can help decide which patients need urgent endoscopy. The study looks at how the test fits within healthcare services.
Dr John McGoran, Consultant Gastroenterologist in the Western Trust and Donal Concannon, Clinical Research Nurse based at CTRIC will be the main investigators for the study. A training day took place on 16 June 2022 and was attended by representatives from Cambridge University who delivered device training and briefed the C-TRIC team on the study protocol.
Commenting on the new study, Dr McGoran said:
“We are delighted to be teaming up with Cambridge University on this exciting study, which will help to improve the care of people at risk of oesophageal cancer. It will allow many patients to undergo less invasive initial investigations and lead to better overall outcomes.”
The research team will recruit potential study participants from a list of patients awaiting endoscopy for surveillance of Barrett’s oesophagus. They will undergo a short consultation and be checked for their agreement to participate in the study. The investigators hope that following this study, the application of Cytosponge for patients at risk of oesophageal cancer can be broadened to benefit many more people in the local population.
For more information on the study contact: Donal.concannon@westerntrust.hscni.net