New home for Consultant Antenatal appointments at Altnagelvin Consultant Antenatal appointments have a new home on the Altnagelvin Hospital site.
From Monday February 12th, any women attending Altnagelvin for out-patient antenatal appointments, their fetal anomaly scan, GTT or Anti D administration will be seen at the new location of Anderson House.
This recently-upgraded facility, close to the current Outpatients department, is convenient to both ground level parking and the multi-storey car park.
Mark Gillespie, the Western Trust’s Director of Surgery, Paediatrics and Women’s Health, believes that the move will be a positive one for service users.
“Attending at Anderson House for these appointments will provide a comfortable and private environment for women and their partners, a move which we believe is a positive one for our service users. Our teams have put a great deal of work into bringing this move to fruition, and we are confident that it will be a smooth transition between venues in the coming days.
“The move also frees up the necessary space for us to progress plans for a new Minor Injuries Unit at Altnagelvin, a service which will have a huge impact for the hundreds of people who currently attend our Emergency Department every day.”
Women attending for the first time will have received contact details which are contained in their appointment letter, as well as a site map showing the new location. For women already attending our clinics, the contact numbers remain unchanged but they will have received a site map with their appointment.