Yesterday (11 April 2024) we celebrated the 10th Anniversary since the opening of the Centre of Medical and Dental Education and Training, (MedEdWest) at Altnagelvin Hospital.
The state-of-the-art centre boasts a lecture theatre for 120 people, a four bedded ward; two simulation suites; Virtual reality rooms; two seminar rooms; meeting rooms; E-learning room with computer facilities; 2 clinical skills/simulation labs and administration offices with a further expansion in facilities to provide education for University of Ulster, Graduate Entry medical school, which will be completed in August 2024. In addition, there is also an education centre on the SWAH site.
Speaking at the 10th Anniversary celebrations, Sinead Doherty, Head of Service, Medical and Dental Education Western Trust said:
“We are very proud of our medical and dental education facilities in the Trust, offering the highest quality of undergraduate, postgraduate and in-service training. MedEdWest provides clinical placements to QUB students in years three, four and five. Ulster University students in years two, three and four, which equates to approximately 150 medical students per week. On-average 78 physician associates placements per year and also provides placements to elective medical students from around the world. The trust also hosts training and education for over 232 NIMDTA/doctors in-training.
“As many will know, the Trust has a longstanding and proud reputation as teaching hospitals, offering learning opportunities in a wide range of medical specialties.”
“Patient Safety is at the centre of all Trust activity. Simulation and Virtual Reality (VR) continues to grow and develop. Medical education plays a vital role in developing safe patient medical care. WHSCT has an enthusiastic and interested consultant team who are highly regarded by their students, physician associates and trainees doctors. Such positive and supportive relationships will ensure the development of the trust as a centre of excellence that delivers high quality care to our patients.”