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Learn, Educate, Advice and Develop (LEAD) Events held at local Post Primary Schools


LEAD Programme members

Our Health Improvement Department held two interactive Learn, Educate, Advice and Develop (LEAD) events recently.

Funded by the Department for Communities, the aim of the initiative is to promote positive well-being through activity based learning.

Mairead Taggart, Health Coordinator Neighbourhood Renewal Health Improvement Equality and Involvement explained:

“We have delivered two interactive programmes with local schools, the first at Sacred Heart College, Omagh and another at Drumragh Integrated College, Omagh.

“The program has been coproduced with young people and service providers throughout the local area and will focus on transition year students (Year 8) within the local Omagh area. We were delighted to have over 220 pupils attending the interactive events and thank them for their enthusiasm and engagement with all the statutory, community and voluntary partners.

Year 8 Pupils participate in team building skills with Hunter West Activities at LEAD Interactive event“This is an interactive learning event, using an activity based approach that will allow our young people to gain the necessary skills and knowledge to help deal with difficult situations in the safe and familiar environment of their school. Participants will be better informed on how to protect their mental health and wellbeing as well as feeling more confident in speaking to someone if they have any concerns about their own or their friend’s health.”

“The day started with students being split up into groups and guided to each interactive station including PSNI, PCSP, ASCERT, Cancer Focus, Western Trust Community Food and Nutrition Team, Translink, Hunter West Activities and Papyrus which will interact with students around suicide awareness.   The session finished with mindfulness techniques provided by Hunter West Activities Centre.

“Thank you to our community and voluntary sector partners for their support in this initiative and to the principal’s and staff from Sacred Heart College and Drumragh Integrated College for hosting these important events.”