
We are inviting the public to attend a ‘Female Health and Wellbeing’ Event at Guildhall, Derry/Londonderry on 14th October 2022 between 2pm and 6pm. This event is being run in conjunction with October Breast Cancer awareness month and aims to encompass many aspects of female health and prevention of illness through wellbeing and health education.
Charmaine McNally, Social Work Manager Women and Children’s Services at the Western Trust explained: “This event is delivered in collaboration with various multidisciplinary teams within the Trust, not just from a cancer services background but from health improvement and Women’s services also. With the common goal of providing information and expertise to support a holistic approach to female health and wellbeing within the Trust.
Charmaine added: “We have a number of different stakeholders supporting the event including Social Workers within the GP Practice Multi-disciplinary Team; cervical screening and gynae health; Public Health Agency; Breast Cancer awareness; Carers Support Service; Falls Prevention; Sustrans Women into cycling project; Skin cancer awareness; Bowel Screening; Care Opinion; Health Improvement; Smoking Cessation; Physical and Learning Disability Supporting Services; Haematology Services; Respiratory illnesses and Macmillan Cancer Support Services.”
Charmaine concluded: “This event aims to provide people with information, advice and support. There will be opportunities for people to avail of signposting to services that can support their needs and assist women in looking after their own health and wellbeing. To give women the knowledge and tools to reduce their risk of developing chronic illnesses and promote support services available to women and their families through the Trust.”
Marietta Connor, Assistant Radiology Services Manager and lead mammographer in the Western Trust said: “We look forward to welcoming the general public, carers and staff from the various organisations within the community to find out more on how they can make a difference promoting female health and wellbeing as well as creating a greater awareness around breast cancer. We are also delighted to welcome the Mayor of Derry and Strabane District Council who has kindly agreed to come along to support our first Female Health and wellbeing Event at the Guildhall.
“October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and this is at the core of this event. Each year we undertake some promotional activity in the Trust and this year we decided this should be a more holistic event that promoted not only diagnosis but prevention. Around 1,450 women in Northern Ireland are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Approximately 80 per cent of these are over the age of 50. Breast Screening is provided across the Western Trust geography at eight mobile locations as well as the static unit at Altnagelvin Hospital, Londonderry. Breast screening is a vital tool in early diagnosis of breast cancer and the impact of an early diagnosis is significant in a treatment pathway for any patient. I would encourage everyone to come along to this event and in particular to attend the live information sessions on Breast Cancer Screening. What information someone gains from this event could save a life.”
Marietta continued: “It is important to note than men can develop breast cancers as well although male breast cancers constitute around one in ten breast cancers diagnosed in the UK annually.”
“Signs and symptoms of a breast cancer can include, skin puckering or dimpling, new lumps in the breast or underarm, pulling in of the nipple, skin changes such as redness or bloody nipple discharge. When a person has a symptom they need to contact their GP, so that a referral can be made to attend the triple assessment clinic at Altnagelvin. Where tests can be undertaken on the day to determine what is happening for that person. Those with such symptoms need to be referred through this path to ensure they have the correct tests performed for them.”
Marietta and Charmaine concluded that everyone is welcome to attend the event and tea and coffee will be available on the day. They look forward to seeing many there.