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Easilink Community Transport helping people in rural communities to attend hospital appointments


Western Trust staff with Translink Staff

The Western Trust welcomes the launch of a local community transport service, which is helping people living in rural areas of Co Tyrone to attend hospital appointments in our hospitals across the Western Trust area.

Charlie Thomas, Project Coordinator for Easilink Community Transport was in Omagh Hospital and Primary Care Complex this week providing information to the public on the new Easilink Community Transport service.

Charlie said: “We are currently promoting the Rural Links project with statutory, community and voluntary agencies within the Western Trust area who have links with people that could potentially benefit from this service. We know that people living in rural areas can become quite isolated and have difficulty in accessing public transport, particularly if they have mobility issues.”

Charlie continued: “The Rural Links project is aimed at helping people access their hospital appointments at Omagh Hospital and Primary Care Complex; South West Acute Hospital in Enniskillen and Altnagelvin Hospital, Londonderry. The service is on a door to door basis and will primarily be delivered by volunteer car drivers with a bus available for people with mobility issues. Clients can also take a family member or escort if they wish. The fare is subsidised by the Lottery Community Fund and is used to reimburse the volunteer driver.”

If you would like to find out more about the Easilink Community Transport service please contact Charlie Thomas, Project Coordinator, Unit 29B, Gortrush Industrial Estate, Omagh BT78 5EJ Tel: 028 8224 8140 / Mob: 07912309612 / web: