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Active Inclusion Programme Waste and Recycling Course at Maybrook Day Centre


Maybrook service users and staff with Aiden Lynch, DSCC

Service users at Maybrook Day Centre have recently completed the Active Inclusion Programme Waste and Recycling Course.  Eight service users took part in the course that took place every Wednesday for 12 weeks assisted by staff member Danny McLaughlin.

Together they explored all aspects of waste and recycling. Other themes which the group learnt about were Health and Safety in a work environment and Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH). All participants engaged well within the sessions. Over the final four sessions they helped produce bird feeders out of recycled materials and these are now hanging out in the Maybrook garden.

Active Inclusion Programme Project Manager Aidan Lynch facilitated the group in a very positive, proactive and fun way. At the conclusion of the course all service users workbooks were submitted to the OCN examining board, and after scrutiny by the Board, we are delighted to say that all service users met the required standard to gain Open College Network accreditation.