The Western Trust Headquarters are located at:
MDEC Building
Altnagelvin Area Hospital site
Glenshane Road
BT47 6SB
Telephone: 028 7134 5171
The Trust has facilities and delivers services from a number of locations across the Western Trust area.
Click on the sections on the right to find out more about how you can contact us.
- Please note, NO personal patient/ client information or referrals should be sent via the general queries email.
You can email general enquiries to:
We cannot respond to enquiries about treatment or the treatment of specific patients.
We aim to respond to email enquiries within 4 working days. This mailbox is not monitored at weekends or evenings, so should not be used for urgent enquiries.
If you are in a state of distress please contact the Lifeline number, this is a 24 hour service. People living in Northern Ireland can call Lifeline on 0808 808 8000. Deaf and hard of hearing Textphone users can call Lifeline on 18001 0808 808 8000.