Our Condition Management Programme is marking its 15th anniversary this week with a celebration tea party held at Enniskillen Business Centre and Rathmor Shopping Centre, Derry/Londonderry.
Western Trust Chief Executive Neil Guckian paid tribute to the Condition Management Programme he said: “Congratulations to Liz Doherty and her team who are celebrating their 15th anniversary milestone this week. This is a truly unique Team and it is testament to the dedication and commitment of our staff to ensure that those participating in this programme can benefit from returning to employment. Well done to everyone involved and wishing you continued success.”
Liz Doherty, Condition Management Programme Coordinator at the Western Trust explains: “The Condition Management Programme (CMP) is a unique and innovative programme bridging the gap between health and work. It is commissioned by the Department for Communities and is delivered regionally by healthcare professionals within each of the five Health and Social Care Trusts. The programme was first established in the Western Trust in June 2007 and we are delighted to be celebrating its 15th anniversary milestone this week!
“Within the CMP service there are two small teams of experienced healthcare professionals, working across the Western Trust geography including occupational therapists, physiotherapists, exercise professionals and mental health nurse/ social worker with specialism in cognitive behavioural therapy and administrative support. The CMP offers short-term work-focused clinical interventions to help individuals with physical and mental health conditions to understand and manage their health condition(s) to enable them to progress towards, move into and stay in employment.
Liz continued: “The strength of the CMP service is the dedicated teams who are committed to providing the best service possible and tailoring it each person who participates in the programme. I would like to thank each member of the team for their continued help and support. It has been a privilege to work alongside them over the years to help many individuals improve the management of their health condition and see their progress into employment. It is also an opportune time to thank all the employment and health organisations and services we have worked in close partnership with during the last fifteen years, particularly our colleagues in the Jobs and Benefits offices and the ongoing support from our funders in the Department for Communities. As CMP enters a new era of extending the service to those in work it is hoped it can build on its success in the future.”
For more information regarding the Western Trust Condition Management Programme please telephone (028) 71 376911 or 028 66324950, Email: condition.management@westerntrust.hscni.net or visit the Western Trust Website westerntrust.hscni.net/service/condition-management-programme