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Community Detox Service Profile


Eddie Gavin, Home Detox Nurse

Today we are getting to know more about our Community Detox Service.

Home Detox Nurses Shauna Gillespie, Rita McCullagh and Eddie Gavin are experts in their field and play a vital role across the entire Trust area in supporting patients with alcohol issues to safely detox at home.

Explaining their role, they said:

Shauna Gillespie, Home Detox Nurse“Referrals to the service are made via GPs who have identified a patient with significant alcohol issues. We also work closely with our Substance misuse liaison colleagues in both Altnagelvin and South West Acute Hospital to facilitate tail end detox support.”

“Patients will be offered an initial assessment to understand their current needs and the impact that alcohol is having on their day to day life.

“Following this first assessment, the detox nurse together with the patient and their family/support network develop a treatment plan that enables the commencement of detox treatment. A key objective of detox is to maximise the chance of sustained abstinence from alcohol with both physical and psycho-social interventions.

“Establishing the safest and most suitable environment for the patient is also important. Patients may be able to detox at home supported by their family or loved ones. However there may be times when a patient may need extra support and a detox at a hostel like Damien house or Ramona house would be more suitable. Tail end detox support with the home detox nurse is available for those who have treatment commenced in hospital. This can facilitate discharge home for people who are medically fit and do not require hospital admission.

Rita McCullagh, Home Detox Nurse“People should be aware of the risks of suddenly stopping their alcohol use when alcohol dependent. The education and expertise we provide in preparing for detox is an important element to unsure safer and more effective detox treatment. We liaise with our GP colleagues for prescribing of detox medication.

“Throughout detox treatment, patients are offered support by daily visits to monitor alcohol withdrawal symptoms, physical and mental health and to provide brief intervention to help patients starting their recovery journey.

Following completion of detox treatment, we provide follow up appointments to discuss with patients the next step of their treatment. This can be an onward referral to statutory or voluntary services which can aid them in their long term abstinence and recovery from alcohol dependence. In turn improving their overall health, wellbeing and quality of life.

“We are very passionate about our service and want to ensure patients that we are here to support them as they start their recovery journey.”