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Care Home Support Team celebration event 


Speakers at the Western Trust Care Home Support Team Celebration event at the Mellon Country Hotel, Omagh back row from left to right: Hayley Phillips, Manager Melmount Manor Nursing Home; Joy Hynds, Manager Owen Mor Nursing Home; Sara Mc Niece, Senior Care Worker Gnangara Residential Home; Clara Robinson, Manager Springlawn Nursing Home. Front row from left to right: Davina Mc Allister, Manager Parkview Nursing Home; Heather Lyttle, Manager The Graan Nursing Home.

Our Care Home Support Team hosted a celebration event at the Mellon Country Inn, Omagh on 28 June 2023 to recognise the incredible dedication and hard work of colleagues working in Care Homes across the Western Trust area.

Helen McConnell, Care Home Support Team Manager at the Western Trust explained:

“The idea of celebrating success was one which the Care Home Support Team felt very passionate about in recognising the ongoing hard work of our care home colleagues. In particular, recognition to the commitment of staff during the COVID-19 pandemic which presented as one of the most challenging times for staff caring for vulnerable residents in our Care Homes.

“Care Home staff continued even during this period to partake in PHA/DOH pilots through the Enhanced Clinical Care Framework (ECCF) projects as well as going on courses and implementing best practice. This event showcases some examples of the wonderful work which has and continues to flourish within the care homes, we applaud and thank you all.”

“Congratulations to all our Care Home Management and staff who have went above and beyond to ensure the highest quality of care is provided to their residents. We are delighted to celebrate a number of achievements of these Care Homes at this event today including:

Owenmor Care Centre participated in the ECCF pilot project for trial of a new pre-admission assessment document commencing in February 2022.”

Joy Hynds Owenmore Care Centre Manager said:

“The aim of this initiative was to improve the admission process for residents and their families and to facilitate the sharing of information to promote resident safety and wellbeing and it has been a tremendous success.”

Western Trust Care Home Support Team back row from left to right: Briege McGranaghan Clinical Nurse Adviser and Helen Mc Connell Care Home Support Team Manager. Front row from left to right: Bernie Mellon, Clinical Nurse Advisor; Pamela Monaghan, Clinical Nurse Adviser; Siobhan Devine, Personal Secretary and Marianne Walsh, Interim Head of Service, Community Nursing (Southern Sector) Western Trust.

Parkview shared the Urinary Catheter Passport Initiative which commenced after a pilot project and trial undertaken in 2022, as part of the ECCF Wellness Pathway ECHO Network.

Gnangara focused work on choking risks and the dietary needs of residents by encouraging Speech and Language Therapy training/developing a presentation booklet for staff and hospital passport used for Residents being transferred to hospital.

Springlawn and Melmount – Managers from both care homes embarked on ‘My home life Programme’ they expressed how this programme changed their thought process completely. Said:

“Our interactions with staff  made us reflect as nurses and individuals doing a challenging job in challenging times, also what we needed to do to bring staff along with us – It was a saving grace and came at the most unexpected time. My home life project enabled us as managers with the tools to ensure staff and residents are content and happy in their environment. The course gave us the insight to meeting with other professionals such as RQIA as allowing us to discuss the working in collaboration with each other for the benefit of the residents and their families in delivering care. We both feel that in completing the My home Life project it has enhanced the care delivered to the residents by adopting new ways of thinking and challenging old habits of doing things just because that’s the way things always were. We both would encourage any home managers to complete the project and thanks to the facilitators for the dedication shown to us throughout the year long programme’.

Heather Lyttle, Care Home Manager The Graan Abbey Care Home said:

“The Graan Abbey are delighted to share our story and experience of supporting families and residents in making decisions when considering advanced care planning, to avoid a crisis thus ensuring dignity, respect and compassion.”