The Western Trust Clinical Research team at C-TRIC Altnagelvin, led by Professor Alex Miras, are currently recruiting for members of the public to participate in a research trial specifically for people living with overweight or obesity and with either established Cardiovascular Disease (body mass index (BMI) of ≥27 kg/m2) or Chronic Kidney Disease (BMI of ≥30 kg/m2). The study also has a sub-group for participants with heart failure.
It is called ‘SYNCHRONIZE-CVOT’ Trial which is a Phase 3 cardiovascular outcomes trial of an investigational medication.
This trial will look at whether the trial medication has any effect on the number of cardiovascular events in the participants. The trial medication will be compared with a placebo (non-therapeutic).
The Trust team plan to recruit 15 interested participants during 2024 who will go on to participate for approximately two years.
For further information on the trial please contact: tracy.donaghy@westerntrust.hscni.net or telephone 028 7161 1294 / 028 7161 1156.