
We are appealing for people to be safe this Halloween as our hospitals are under severe pressure at this time.
Dr Paul Baylis, Consultant in Emergency Care and Medicine, said:
“Halloween is traditionally an extremely busy time of the year for all the emergency services, particularly for Western Trust staff working at Altnagelvin Area Hospital and the South West Acute Hospital.
“This year with the challenges faced by health care workers across the Western Trust area we are urging the public to stay safe this Halloween so as to avoiding having to attend our Emergency Departments.
“If people are using fireworks as part of the Halloween festivities I would hope that they can enjoy them safely. Although fireworks can be entertaining and exciting, particularly for the younger members of our community, they can be extremely dangerous and can cause serious injury if not handled properly. It is important to remind people of how dangerous sparklers can be and that they are extremely hot for some time after the sparkler has gone out and can cause serious burns.
“This year the traditional Halloween celebrations in Derry City and in towns across the Western Trust area are going ahead and it is important that everyone can enjoy this festival with their family and friends in a responsible way.
“We would also ask parents and adults to be extra vigilant and prevent underage alcohol or drug abuse to prevent any activities contributing to likely injury. For young people, drinking alcohol is harmful as your body is still developing. Binge drinking makes you ill and damages your health, increasing risk of accidents and assaults.
“We hope that the festivities are enjoyable for all involved. Please stay safe and do all you can to prevent unnecessary admissions to our hospitals. Thank you.”