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ALD Services – COVID Guidance Update


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Dear service user/parent/carer

As you are all aware COVID-19  remains a real concern within our local area and an increase of numbers daily, it is important that we all continue to be vigilant and do not take any unnecessary risks to ensure the Health and Safety of service user’s, staff and all in the community.  It is imperative that individuals do not attend day care/day opportunities if they present to be unwell, present with a high temperature, cough, or have a change in or loss of taste and smell. If unsure at any time please see medical advice on best practice to take.

Individuals must not attend day care/day opportunities if a member of their household is presenting with COVID-19 symptoms and awaiting a test, or has received a positive PCR result, it is vital that we all work together to ensure we reduce the risk as much as possible.  Over the next week’s and month’s we will indefinitely see an  increase in colds, flu’s and tummy bugs, these symptoms will be treated as potential COVID-19 until confirmed otherwise and we ask that individuals do not attend day care/day opportunities until free from all symptoms.

I would like to thank you all for your continued support, and wish to reassure you that Client safety is paramount at all times. We will continue to review the situation and communicate any updates as required.

Yours Sincerely

Orla Bradley

Day Service Manager